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My boss is supposedly hot :|


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So I just started working recently, and Im relatively new along with this other girl whos pretty much my age. Shes really sweet, we get along well.

In the first week, she causally mentioned how she found our boss attractive (hot), and asked me if i felt the same. I disagreed, and told her he wasnt my type! Honestly, I never saw him that way until then, I just didnt think about it I guess.


Well yeah I had a better look at him, and I suppose he can be quite hot. Hes also got an amazing personality to compliment the whole package. Still, not what Im looking for though !


Anyways I get a lot of work done in the office, and quite frankly HE is always talking to me, calling out my name in the office (shortened my name to make it easier) and basically we interact a lot more than she has been able to. She teased me about it, and I just brushed it off.


We've gotten to know each other now pretty well, and yesterday she tells me that she thinks my boss has a crush on me, and that shes not joking. Now, I dont have any reason to believe that he does. Yes, he talks a lot to me, told me I was attractive when we first met and didnt even bother taking a proper interview; and I caught him watching me once during the day last week...but other than that hes really the least bothered.


So I really dont see where she is coming from. Hes just one of those men, its his personality. Do you think shes telling me this for a manipulative reason...?

Shes engaged to be married so I dont really know! Could she be jealous of the attention maybe...



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He told you that you were attractive in the interview? Jeez talk about grounds for a lawsuit. Do people not think before they speak anymore?


Anyways, I don't think this girl is being manipulative, maybe just a little jealous is all.

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Shark infested waters... danger!


Be very careful with flirting with the boss... in many companies it is against the rules, and if you do romance him, then if it goes sour you may get fired.


Be polite but professional to discourage him. don't accept social invitations outside the office unless other people are along.


it was actually very unprofessional of him to tell you were attractive on an interview (unless you are a model!). keep it chilly between you or he may start expecting more from you than just office work.

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He told you that you were attractive in the interview? Jeez talk about grounds for a lawsuit. Do people not think before they speak anymore?


Anyways, I don't think this girl is being manipulative, maybe just a little jealous is all.



My thoughts exactly. Wow, why didn't that set off any alarm bells in your head?

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Yeah true, my ex- boss and my friend were dating, and they use to have massive fights upstairs, which use to be really embarrassing, and would cause everyone else that was working to feel uncomfortable.

Then again, I fell in love with my ex at work and we never argued, i suppose everyones different though

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Shark infested waters, is right!!


Most likely, she is simply picking up on a vibe between you and the boss. So one co-worker notices already...


That's not a good thing. Not bc she is jealous or manipulative: but bc it is obvious to someone already that your boss may be favoring/or will later be favoring you for inappropriate reasons.


You really want to wash your hands of anything like that.


A derogatory name for boss' like this comes to mind.

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