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Our Anniversary today, feel nothing?


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It would have been 26 years for us today, and I am just wandering around doing stuff in a daze. Not upset, or crying....just, here. Alone.

Could I have cried it all away, or in denial, or what? And I wrote out a check this morning, noticed I dated 6/5/82...our wedding date??????????? Last year was much tougher, just getting out of bed was bad, but today?

Any thoughts?

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The day isn't over yet KG. If you cry, you cry. If you don't, you don't. Remember you told me once it doesn't matter how you feel or think you should be feeling......whatever you're feeling or not feeling is normal....for you.


Spot on.

I think there are times when emotions seem to flow more easily, almost uncontrollably at times and other times they don't want to flow at all.

A trickle to day may be a river tomorrow, however you feel just know that it your natural flow of things.

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