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Had the job, but ditched it - wasn't finacially feasible.

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So I was working downtown in a big high rise above the Hardrock Cafe. I was doing web design like I've always wanted (more or less, web development), but in the end, I wasn't happy, and here's why...


I was making only 16/hour working 80 hours a month. Take the product of that, divide it by 4 (weeks), and you wind up making around 320 a week. I can get about 400 a week from unemployment. Driving down there would've taken about 20 dollars of gas (~1 hour commute) and the job had no benefits, no insurance and since it's downtown, I'm sure you can imagine how expensive a simple lunch would cost.


The guy was a bit snippy when I told him I was done. I told him that I took full responsibility for not asking more questions during the interview.


So, it's back to the drawing boards.

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bah. I feel you.. Find something you will enjoy doing that has all the perks you are looking for you..as for unemployment I would never get on that..you get money but you lose your dignity..money earned is so much better than money just handed out. Try and find something close local, with perks and pay and hours you seek. It might be a long arduous search but the end result will be fruitful

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I guess he wasn't open to giving you more hours? (Cold-Fusion, PRL, PHP) Any chance of doing work remotely? That's what I love about web design... my customers will never know this... but most of their sites are coded while I'm sitting in my chair nearly butt-naked, drinking a beer, and blairing some pearl jam... -How nature intended it... LOL

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bah. I feel you.. Find something you will enjoy doing that has all the perks you are looking for you..as for unemployment I would never get on that..you get money but you lose your dignity..money earned is so much better than money just handed out. Try and find something close local, with perks and pay and hours you seek. It might be a long arduous search but the end result will be fruitful


I've been trying for the past year almost. I mean, I had a job in between that time, but it sucked. I was programming in COBOL2. End of story.


As for the web thing, I'm beginning to think that I need to get into another career. Seems to me that the market is saturated, and if you choose to go into a big shop, you're stuck with . net crap. Sure, maybe that's where the "holy cash crop" is, but in the end, it's just as boring as COBOL2. You do nothing but paperwork, cash-out on some corporate identity where you begin to bend your mind into thinking like them, and in the end, you lose your originality and morals.


Of course, that's just my opinion. Regardless, I'd love to find something in Tipton with the hours I like, doing the things I love to do, but I doubt I'll find it here. I think what it's going to come to is me moving back in with either my dad or grandmother and possibly going back to school. I love PHP and MySQL. I love CSS and Photoshop and all the junk, but the market is apparently not in need of this stuff and continuing the forsaken, dignity-losing path I'm walking isn't cutting it. And I'm sorry for those of you who might be doing something you can't stand, but I'll NEVER settle for something. I'll keep doing the job-a-year-file-unemployment process if that's what it takes to find my niche.

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