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Should I be going on a First Date on my BIRTHDAY??


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because if the date was not to go well on my 4-day weekend i would be STEAMED returning to work after having to experience a disappointing birthday weekend.


Surely you knew you would feel this way? What was the point in even arranging a date for that weekend? A person doesn't "forget" when their birthday is.

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because if the date was not to go well on my 4-day weekend i would be STEAMED returning to work after having to experience a disappointing birthday weekend.


you need to fix yourself if you think this way. it's one date. chill out. so it's on your b-day. either A) GO or B) NOT GO. take your choice. quit being such a crybaby.

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because if the date was not to go well on my 4-day weekend i would be STEAMED returning to work after having to experience a disappointing birthday weekend.


You have a whole BIRTHDAY WEEKEND?


So, is the date actually on your birthday or just part of your birthday weekend?


It doesn't sound like you're doing anything else on your birthday. If you're not doing anything else at all, then why not just go on the date? It's only going to be a few hours of your day anyway. And not all first dates have to be miserable and painful. Do something you enjoy doing and don't bring a script. Relax and enjoy yourself.

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You have a whole BIRTHDAY WEEKEND?


So, is the date actually on your birthday or just part of your birthday weekend?


It doesn't sound like you're doing anything else on your birthday. If you're not doing anything else at all, then why not just go on the date? It's only going to be a few hours of your day anyway. And not all first dates have to be miserable and painful. Do something you enjoy doing and don't bring a script. Relax and enjoy yourself.


well when your birthday falls on a sat or sun you normally just say my birthday weekend

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This girl is coming to see me from out of town and it happens to be on my birthday weekend and I just feel strange FOOTING the bill on my birthday. I mean I know men are expected to pay but don;t you kind of get away from that stuff on your birthday? So i was thinking about postponing the day


what do u guys think?


Say to her, "change of plans its my birthday weekend, we'll get together next week. ill give you a call." But if you just HAVE to see her... then pay for dinner but tease her first by saying "hang on a sec here, its my birthday... right lobster appetisers on you! hope you have a lot of cash on ya" etc

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CD - you worry WAY too much. Can you not stop stressing about every little date you choose to go on? Who cares if it's on your birthday? If you don't want it to be then don't schedule it for then - but you need to make the decision yourself rather than ask a board full of other people to make the decision for you.


At the end of the day, the girl is not gonna be that bothered whether it's your birthday or not. Well, she might actually be flattered you chose to spend it with her but I'm sure she won't think you're a freak for not choosing to spend it with close friends or something.


If you don't want to pay on your birthday then just choose a date on an other day. I don't think you should schedule the date and then back out. You need to think more about your dates before you actually schedule then. Cancelling makes you look a flake and untrustworthy. And you say she's travelling to see you from out of town. You need to think of HER rather than JUST YOURSELF. SHE is the one making all the effort to come and see you, so for you to postpone after it's already arranged is an uncool thing to do.


If you are really worried the date might go bad and then you won't be in a good mood for the rest of the weekend then you shouldn't have scheduled it in the first place. Only you know how much you get steamed up when things don't go according to your plans, so you need to figure this out before arranging anything with anyone. It is very disrespectful to pull out of plans that have been made already, and even moreso when the other person has made a lot of effort such as arranging to travel to a different town. If you are likely to get aggravated by little things that females do then obviously you should have thought twice before scheduling anything for your birthday if your birthday means a lot to you. That said, you really need to chill out and not get so worked up about dates and what females do or say. It seems like any little thing will set you off into aggravation mode. You need to work on your problems before arranging to meet others if you are gonna change your mind about things once they've been arranged.

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After thinking long and hard about this, I decided to END everything and emailed her this morning say we should just stp talking to each other all together since we are not close enough. I didn't want to meet anyone and have a date go well and couldn't see her again in a week. So as of now there are no dates scheduled for my birthday weekend. I rather have a girl come over my apt on my birthday than sit accross from a girl i just met. It was hard to reject her because she was very nice and intelligent and pretty but that distance thing was just too big off a issue.

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After thinking long and hard about this, I decided to END everything and emailed her this morning say we should just stp talking to each other all together since we are not close enough. I didn't want to meet anyone and have a date go well and couldn't see her again in a week. So as of now there are no dates scheduled for my birthday weekend. I rather have a girl come over my apt on my birthday than sit accross from a girl i just met. It was hard to reject her because she was very nice and intelligent and pretty but that distance thing was just too big off a issue.


that's why you get to know girls. geez man.


how are you going to get a girl at your apartment on your b-day if you have no girls around?

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then why did you cancel on a girl interested to meet up with you? you talk in circles.



Because she wasn't going to be able to give me the kind of fun I was interested in on my birthday. So I saw no need to even meet.



It is tough rejecting a pretty girl but sometimes you have no choice

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*shakes head* that makes no sense...what you just did and said makes no sense...so now instead of going on a what was it 1st date with a pretty girl you now are going to be alone and all b/c you didn't want to pay for dinner on your birthday...

your logic is truly dizzying...

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Because she wasn't going to be able to give me the kind of fun I was interested in on my birthday. So I saw no need to even meet.



It is tough rejecting a pretty girl but sometimes you have no choice


how do you know she is no fun? you have problems.

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Confused Dater got cold feet.


Instead of taking the chance of her cancelling and ruining his bday, he cancelled on her and cut the ties.


Now he doesn't have to have high hopes or expectations and be an anxious mess on his bday.

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No he didn't "chicken out". She lives too far. She was doing a nice thing and coming in to SEE HIM from OUT OF TOWN but he doesn't think it'll work b/c they're too far apart in location. Yeah...

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No he didn't "chicken out". She lives too far. She was doing a nice thing and coming in to SEE HIM from OUT OF TOWN but he doesn't think it'll work b/c they're too far apart in location. Yeah...


yeah oh no a girl wants to see me. 'cancel button'

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*shakes head* that makes no sense...what you just did and said makes no sense...so now instead of going on a what was it 1st date with a pretty girl you now are going to be alone and all b/c you didn't want to pay for dinner on your birthday...

your logic is truly dizzying...




SHE DOESN"T LIVE IN MY AREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



i thought i was clear about that

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So why were you talking to her in the first place? She was willing to come see you! Don't get pissy with anyone b/c they don't understand your line of thinking.


She replied to me and since she was pretty I started talking to her but I found out the part of DE she lives in is too close to maryland and it wouldn't work since i'm in philly. So i decided that it's best to just end it right now

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so what? she was willing to come see you...and you didn't start the thread b/c she was from out of town you started the thread b/c you didn't want to pay for dinner on your birthday....


inknow, but it became bigger than the birthday thing when i started them LONG TERM

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