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Guys- Question About HOT girl "friends"


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I had to force myself to see her in a non sexual way as we needed to practice together. Had it been a less important situation than tennis, I would definitely have removed myself.


Good to know !!!

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I've never been able to be friends with a woman I find incredibly attractive, for me it's impossible. I have plenty of friends that are girls and are attractive, but I'm not personally attracted to them and that's why we work as friends.

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What if you met a woman who you found INSANELY HOT- and were MEGA attracted to her, but she was taken. And there was NO possiblity you'd EVER get together, have sex, or that she'd ever be interested in you romantically, Ever. But you quite a bit in common, would you want to be "just friends" with her ? And you'd be fine with her hanging out alone, cuddling, etc. EVERYTHING basically except sex that you would never- ever, get.


Would you be fine with just being a friend ? Or would you always secretly hope for more ?


Secretly want more, of course, but realistic in that it probably isn't coming. Cuddling, though, probably steps over the lines of friendship.


Conversely, would you be friends with a woman you had things in common with but found extremely unattractive ? Go out together (as friends) ? Spend time together in groups of your friends ?


Yes, but probably it would be context-sensitive like a group of friends from work. I wouldn't seek out friendship outside of a context.


Would you feel differently if she was hoping for more ?


Yes -- I would probably avoid her if I was not interested.

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I know it seems absurd, but I've seen it happen again and again and again with people claiming to be "just friends"


It happened to me once with an ex of mine cuddling with another girl he was "just friends" with. The whole sitting next to each other with her head on his shoulder. He told me I was being ridiculous and that close friends do this- it does not mean you're attracted to each other, etc.

He ended up leaving me for her.


Ouch, sorry to hear that! But it was probably for the best -- what a loser.


But yeah cuddling, head on shoulder is not friendly -- that's clearly in the romance category.

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Friendship with an insanely hot girl would be difficult. If we both have a lot in common and she has a very nice personality I would be friends with her regardless if she’s single (even if she says she’s not interested) or not single. Why? Because I find in exciting and torturing myself is a past time of mine. I know how to make it seem that I'm not interested with great efficiency.


I would never lead on a girl that I'm not interested in. Strict rule!!!


yes I love being complicated

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