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Not really a big problem, could still do with some advice


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Hi there, well me and my girlfriend have been with each other for 8 months now, relationship is amazing and so is she. We haven't come accross any problems, we have always been open and honest with each other. We both have past sexual experiences and partners etc. We both trust, care and love each other very much.


Now to get on topic, whenever we have sex (I'm not the type of guy to just jump straight into sex, we spend about 45 minutes to an hour worth of foreplay) it hurts my girlfriend a little bit when I first enter. We don't use condoms as she is on the injection, but she complains that when I first enter her it hurts her... then a few seconds later she's fine and really enjoying herself. Now, I don't know if it has anything to do with my penis size (8.5 inches in length, 4.2inches in girth). There are days where it doesnt hurt her THAT much, and days when it does.


When we are having intercourse, it does feel generally tight but as I said; once she gets over the initial pain she claims that she "loves" the pleasure. We do various positions, spooning, missionary and doggy. All of which we enjoy, along with the foreplay. So could anyone give me some ideas as to what is causing the slight pain when I first enter her? And any solutions? Thanks. Much appreciated

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tell her to get off depo. for her sake.

anyway its probably just her muscles tightening up anticipating pain. try working it in very very very slowly. almost like a little tease or massage.

Is it possible she may have an infection? that too would be a possibility.

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I suppose the best way around it, as far as I can presume, is for her to just relax as much as possible. She doesn't have any problems getting aroused, as I previously said; we do indulge in quite alot of foreplay as we don't like things to become "routine".



I'll try just easing it in slowly, I just think she needs to relax a bit. I didn't realise that a girl could "tense up" down there, alongside having the anxiety knowing the pain is coming. We're only 17 yrs old too, so I don't know if age has any relevance to this ...


Well she went for her routine check up at the gyno the other day, as far as the gyno is concerned she doesn't have any infections. I think she just might be naturally tight, I don't know lol



Thanks anyway!

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yeah. women have muscles down there. thats what the vagina is. muscle.

and it can tense whether we want it to or not. its like putting on mascara (not that you have lol) the eye thinks its going to be poked, so there may be some uncontrollable blinking. its just a reflex.

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Aw thanks, it means alot to me



I love her to bits, not too lovey dovey. We mostly just joke around, chill out and take it as it goes. We are serious about each other to an extent, not to the extent where we're planning marriage and whatnot, we're just enjoying the time we have together. That's what being in a relationship with someone you love is all about, it can't be based on seriousness all the time, otherwise that's when the pressure comes with stress.


It's her birthday coming up soon, so I'm planning on taking her out for a meal, see a movie then back to my place

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yeah. women have muscles down there. thats what the vagina is. muscle.

and it can tense whether we want it to or not.


So from what you've just said here, it must be a mix between her mental state and physical disposition before we have intercourse. Basically, as you stated prior to this reply; she anticipates the pain so it has become a natural reflex.


I think I'm gonna try and do what I can to help her relax.



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Maybe use the condom? It may be easier and she wouldn't feel the pain you know because it's kinda slimy.



Ive tried, but they split at the sides as soon as I've thrusted a few times, and the rib hurts a little bit at the base of my penis. It's frustrating to say the least lol

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yeah, basically thats it. she may not even know she is doing it. try to tease her into it. treat it like you would your eye if you were trying to get an eyelash or something out. that'll give you an idea of how to be delicate.

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haha well I live in scotland so that wouldn't be entirely possible anyway Thanks for the gesture anyway


Well, I kind of tease her anyway. I show alot of respect for her body, not too much respect though to the point where she may assume I'm scared to touch her. We have alot of trust in our relationship so I'll take everything you've said into consideration and give it all a go.



You've all been a great help, thankyou very much

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I butter her up every single time, never go without fingering her or going down on her. She always has quite a few orgasms before we get down to intercourse, and she's always really wet. But as said, it still hurts her. I'm just going to ease it in next time, slowly of course and try and get her to relax.

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Wow, you are very large. Probably not 1 in 500 or 1000 men are that large. That is part of the issue. Try more foreplay, as stated and use your fingers more to get her ready. I always think I want to be bigger, but probably not that big, where I had to worry about hurting her.

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with my boyfriend and its the same way. we usually just use some KY the tingling sensations kind because that kinda takes the pain away. its probably a combination of your size and how tight she is, but the lube should certainly help

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