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Don't you just hate it


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When the only time you get to see a person you really like works in a shop. And you can't tell if they like you or are just doing their job? Because if I met her in a pub or Bar I would probably grow some balls and chat her up but not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable Iam keeping my mouth shut about asking her out.


This girl who serves me is smiling ,giving me loads of eye contact, says hello when dealing with another customers etc . When most of the women in there either go through the motions or are plain bored when they serve you. Even the ones who smile ,they don't smile like her.As she acts like she is extremely pleased to see me. Happy big friendly grin.


I admit partly why Iam not asking her out is I don't want to get rejected as she is very attractive. I mean she plays with her hair when serving me too I've noticed but again.Could just be habit.


Even if she is flirting it could still mean nothing. As some girls just like to be flirty with men or she could just be a friendly bubbly person.Shame you can't be a mindreader at times Only way I'm going to know is to ask. Just wish I met her somewhere else. Even if she was a barmaid it would be easier as I expect she would gets loads of men asking her out so if she blew me off I't wouldn't be as embarrassing.

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Haa I work at a yogurt shop and I'm super friendly all the time! The other worker is emo as hell hahaha. But yeh, I'm always nice to people and friendly! I had this guy coming in all the time, all the time. Got yogurt, went to a class next door, came back to get another one? hahaha. Okay figured out he was crushin! (he was a creeper though!) So if ya end up showin up a lot or something, then she may get the hint.

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man, I've ran accross girls like that.. i hate it too. Just the other day, there was this REAL sweet and SUPER cute/adorable waitress at this little hole in the wall restaurant I go to. She had the cutest laugh, and she joked and flirted with all of us.. it was driving me crazy, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her!


I think the only thing you can do is just grab your balls like you were in a bar and ask her. Believe it or not, my boss met his wife that way. She called in to the shop to get her car fixed, and they met while he was working on her car... 3 years later, they are hitched and have a daughter.

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man, I've ran accross girls like that.. i hate it too. Just the other day, there was this REAL sweet and SUPER cute/adorable waitress at this little hole in the wall restaurant I go to. She had the cutest laugh, and she joked and flirted with all of us.. it was driving me crazy, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her!


I think the only thing you can do is just grab your balls like you were in a bar and ask her. Believe it or not, my boss met his wife that way. She called in to the shop to get her car fixed, and they met while he was working on her car... 3 years later, they are hitched and have a daughter.


GRR I know but it's right awkward because funnily enough she's quite a popular shop assistant and theres always a big queue of sad men behind me. I know a girl who works in shop who asked if she stacks shelves also because at least then you can ask with less of an audience .But I only see her on the tills. And I'm not in the shop that often.


I'm actually better at reading girls now without even getting into a conversation with them and I reckon I could tell from her just looking at me in a club or bar if it was on or not. Girls kind of lock eyes and give you a challenging look like 'come and have a go if you think your brave enough'. I used to think that look meant something totally different.And so far when I have made a move after getting looked at like that it was on.


Can't really tell much in a shop and I don't want to make a complete * * * * of myself .But who dares wins and all that. Hopefully she'll be flattered if she's not interested and not get offended.

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i did it to a girl recently at her work. she declined as she had a bf. dammit i didn't see the pic of her and her bf on the wall. oh well. least i know. i feel better knowing i tried than walk around kicking myself for not saying anything. i never let opportunity pass me by. once you develop this type of attitude, you never have to question yourself.


why be embarrassed by someone you don't even know yet?

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^^ exactly. And if you just have a simple conversation with her like "hi, how was your day?" then ask for her number at the end and she says no! you'll be more confident the next time round. Ive found that the more times i approach girls, the less dout i get. And easier it is for me to go and do it

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