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From NC to LC - a few questions.

Roxy Rose

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I told him how proud we all were of him for his achievement and fingers crossed, talked briefly about my promotion, was just my daft old self, then said take care of yourself.


I basically complimented him in the same way he complimented me - Maybe I went a little overboard: Good Luck! I'm sure you have done well. All that hard work you put in - we are so proud of you. That was the text I sent to the bat phone....... Oh god! Am I over thinking?

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actually im a huge fan of low contact, id much rather have low contact than no contact, with my ex. ya just gotta be careful with it thats all.


I agree.


Part of NC is rebuilding, protecting your heart and keeping your dignity in tact.


Part of LC is rebuilding, protecting your heart and keeping your dignity in tact.

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You're panicking because you still care about him. Just take it slow? Don't let it all out at once, that may scare him away. Baby steps, just take baby steps. For now, let it go, see what he does with your contact with him out of the blue. He may ask to meet up, or he may do nothing. Don't pressure him. When you chat with him, be optimistic about life, positive, upbeat. Guys like a woman who doesn't need them.




Are you in LC?

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Yes and no. My situation is not that great since I tend to be the intiator, but they always respond, which is good too.


This is what I don't want to happen to me.


I am purposefully NOT asking him any questions in my replies so that he can make an effort with me. If he initiates contact I know it will be a more even playing field.

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