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Just a general observation...

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Has anyone noticed that people seem to settle down at an earlier age now?? All my friends are either married, with a partner, or in an extremely serious relationship. Is anyone else going through a 20-something crisis and feel the need to immediately get involved in a serious relationship? I used to feel young...but now I look at all my friends and feel like I should have a serious girlfriend right now. It's something I want anyway, but seeing everyone else taken makes me feel like the clock is ticking...

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In the straight world it isn't working that way .. the age of marriage is going up, not down.


I wouldn't worry about ticking clocks. They mostly relate to the straight world due to the real biological ticking clock around pregnancy. In the LGBT world, there are a lot of folks getting hooked up now due to the relaxation of legal restrictions in quite a few states, but I don't sense anything like the bio-clock that looms over straight relationships.

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I'll have to disagree, from what I see the marriage/ or settle down age I'm noticing is going up. I'm also noticing that from those that settle down too early or marry too early divorce follows not to long after. Two of my close friends one female one male married early, female at age 21 and male at age 23, she got divorced a year and a half later and he got divorced at 27. Just my observation

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I guess where I'm coming from is... growing up I was told that people were settling down at a later age...so it just takes me by surprise to be one of the only single people I know. I guess the biological clock doesn't really tick as much in the gay world...it's more of a personal goal I guess? I feel like as a college graduate with a career I should have a stable girlfriend to come home to. It just seems like the next step. Does that make sense to anyone?

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Of course! You should go after your dreams -- if they are what you want, though. Not because everyone else seems to be doing it. That's the key issue. If you feel ready and want to have a partner then by all means go for it!


Also, I would say that in the lesbian community it *does* appear that the change in marriage laws/civil union laws is having an impact on behavior, and you may be seeing some of that. There is also an impact in the gay male community, but it's less so, especially at younger levels.

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