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Need advice, Im stressing..Is she a looney??


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Ok i slept with this girl, before we had sex i was about to use a condom when she told me there was no need because there was something wrong down there and that she cant fall pregnant.


We had sex twice and they were during her period. I finished inside her without a condom. Well the second time was right at the end of her period.


5 weeks later she rings me and tells me that she is pregnant, but then she added "dont worry its not yours" 3 hours later she texts me and asks me if "Im OK" i dont understand, why would she ask me that?


5 days later (today) she texts me and asks if she had her period when i was with her????


I am confused, i dunno how to react. A baby is the last thing i want and im not sure what to do......She seems to be a bit weird in the way of attention seeking, Ive been stressing all day.


She has a boyfriend now but she said its not his either..


thanks all

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yes, she's a looney or someone with another agenda... NEVER believe a girl you hardly know who says she 'can't' get pregnant. Could be a total lie and perhaps she wants a baby and to hit some guy up for child suppport.


If you are sure that it was during her period she is probably not pregnant but you can't be sure without a paternity test.


But she sounds like she may be trying to get your attention or to get you to date her more.


I'd just drop it and hope she goes away. But definitely don't date her again, and tell her if she is pregnant that you will take a paternity test after the baby is born (i.e., you won't be sucked into drama before then, if she even is pregnant with your baby which i doubt.).

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What is so weird here? Her having her period means absolutely nothing! This child could very well be yours. You shouldn't have slept with her without a condom and definitely shouldn't have finished inside her.


yep i know, but she said that she couldnt fall pregnant, but just weird that she would ring me and tell me that shes is pregnant, then say.....dont worry its not yours..... then text later asking if i was ok???

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yes, she's a looney or someone with another agenda... NEVER believe a girl you hardly know who says she 'can't' get pregnant. Could be a total lie and perhaps she wants a baby and to hit some guy up for child suppport.


If you are sure that it was during her period she is probably not pregnant but you can't be sure without a paternity test.


But she sounds like she may be trying to get your attention or to get you to date her more.


I'd just drop it and hope she goes away. But definitely don't date her again, and tell her if she is pregnant that you will take a paternity test after the baby is born (i.e., you won't be sucked into drama before then, if she even is pregnant with your baby which i doubt.).


well she has been with at least two other people,


she DEFINITELY had her period the first time, and next day there it was nearly gone. pretty much was gone

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In all honesty - and I don't intend to be mean - but get tested for STDs. Seems like she gets around easily and doesn't like condoms.


i know i feel very dirty and she totally convinced me that she could not get pregnant.


i really do hope she wasnt trying to fool me, i do not know her at all

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then i think that maybe she was lying, cos i moved in with her, only cos i needed somewhere to sleep for a month while i travel... and she pretty muchd jumped on me the first day i moved in.


I moved out 3 days later cos she was sooo clingy and would not leave me alone.....something that i dont want right now

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i know i feel very dirty and she totally convinced me that she could not get pregnant.


i really do hope she wasnt trying to fool me, i do not know her at all


Dude, not being able to get pregnant doesn't mean she's clean. And from the sounds of it she's highly likely to have someting. Get yourself to a SH clinic asap.


Also, never ever ever leave your reproductive material in the hands (or elsewhere) of someone other than yourself.


She might be a looney, but you were really daft.

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so what should i do?? nothing?? i mean should i talk to her and maybe try to see or sort out if i could be the father, thereforeee asking her to have an abortion


Man listen to what people here are trying to tell you!


Pregnancy is the least of your problems, go get tested now!

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so what should i do?? nothing?? i mean should i talk to her and maybe try to see or sort out if i could be the father, thereforeee asking her to have an abortion


You don't get to ask her to abort. That's something you missed out on when you had unprotected sex. You can wait to see if she is pregnant and then if she decides to have it, (and from the sounds of her, if she is she would) get a paternity test and take it from there.


Right now though, go make sure that you haven't gone and got yourself a dose of the mange.

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its not totally impossible, but highly unlikely to get pregnant on a period because thats when the egg is being flushed out of the womb with the lining that is shedding (the blood).


The most likely time to get pregnant is during ovulation when the egg is being released from the ovary and down the tube which is approximately 9-14 days from the start of the period.


A woman is 99% more likely to get pregnant during ovulation than menstruation so you've probably had a lucky escape, but like the other posters, I would be more worried about STD's.


She seems the sort of girl to make up fabricated stories in order to keep your interest, and if she's slept with you so easily she's probably done it with others.

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Oh man, that's like trusting a guy whom says "he's infertile".


"Problems down there" don't mean "can't get pregnant". I know women whom were told they were infertile by doctors whom STILL got pregnant.


You hardly even knew her, who knows what her intentions were.


All you can do is insist on a paternity test when the baby is born and GET CHECKED FOR STI's NOW!

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its not totally impossible, but highly unlikely to get pregnant on a period because thats when the egg is being flushed out of the womb with the lining that is shedding (the blood).


The most likely time to get pregnant is during ovulation when the egg is being released from the ovary and down the tube which is approximately 9-14 days from the start of the period.


A woman is 99% more likely to get pregnant during ovulation than menstruation so you've probably had a lucky escape, but like the other posters, I would be more worried about STD's.


She seems the sort of girl to make up fabricated stories in order to keep your interest, and if she's slept with you so easily she's probably done it with others.


thankyou for your straight answer



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Oh yes, and sperm can live up to five days inside a woman, so even if you had sex while she was on, or at end, of period, does not mean she cannot get pregnant. If her period is say 7 days, and you had sex on day 7 or 8 and she ovulates on day 12 or 13, entirely possible. It also depends on her cycle, she may ovulate sooner, later, or very irregularly/erratically....

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You had sex...with a stranger...with no condom...AND while she was menstruating...


I'm going to echo what everyone else is saying...go get tested...seriously...that's definitely a surefire way to get HIV. And there's definitely millions of people walking around this planet who have it. Please, please use condoms. If not for your own sake, for the sake of other people. You really have put yourself at a serious risk of disease by doing this...not to mention the fact that you may or may not be having a baby now.

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She sounds quite a lot like my brother's ex, her name Ashley? lol.

Regardless of how nut case she's acting towards you making asinine remarks that seem...crazy.


You still fell for it. And please...Please. Do not be one of those men that just because there is a chance of pregnancy scream abortion.


Here's some advice.


1 : Get Tested, Not only because of her. but because it's more about respecting yourself as well


2 : If she is pregnant, file for a paternity test, There are two kinds. One CAN be done during pregnancy it's just extremely expensive, the less expensive of the two is waiting until the birth of the child.


3 : If it could be you're child, here's a Future Note - In most states the bio-logical mother has all right's to determine her choice as the mother to either keep the child or have an abortion, You can't force her, you can beg her. But in the end it's legally her choice unless health risks are involved to the mother or the child and the Dr recommends it. .


4 : If you decide you want nothing to do with the child if proven yours. Do her a favor, sign your rights away and have a lawyer draw up a contractual agreement between you and the mother. regarding visitation (if asked)

Child support (if filed for) and any other issues


5 : Not all of us single mother's go after child support. Sometimes we want you gone just as badly as you want gone. and don't try to pull that coming back into their lifes bit after a couple years, if you choose not to be involved, stay un-involved unless the child or her decides to ask you to be. doesn't mean you HAVE to. It's just a pain in the ass dealing with sperm donors who can't make up their minds


(No insult towards you meant, I'm naturally sarcastic and simply stating this as having been there)


6 : If you Do not want children, either clip it, or don't do it.

Condom's and birth control are not even 100% effective. So if pregnancy is the last issue you wish to worry about. Get the surgery or quit having sex.


You need to start looking into the court systems regarding these issues as well as speaking with a lawyer whose specific talents are family situations

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2 : If she is pregnant, file for a paternity test, There are two kinds. One CAN be done during pregnancy it's just extremely expensive, the less expensive of the two is waiting until the birth of the child.





Besides the expense, the prenatal paternity test is extremely risky

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