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I'm Off To Meet Her


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well i suppose the next time i post a messege in this website, i shall have already met the girl i've been talking to for seven months online.


i'm heading up there on saturday and i'm finally going to be with her. i would just like to say thanks to everyone who gave me advice on my relationship with her. thank you so much. i've always and will always put everything into good use in my relationship with her.


i'd just like to say that i know how i feel about her. and i know some of you disagree or disapprove of this relationship i have with her. but i know the consequences and trust me, i know what can happen. i know i love her and i know i really really care about her. this whole relationship we had wasn't easy at all.


it wasn't easy at all


me and her worked so hard to get through these months and finally still be able to feel so much for eachother right now. with only one day standing in front of us - to the day we'll be with eachother. i'm quite nervous and excited and i know i will have so much fun and feel so many feelings i've never felt before.


again, i know what i'm in to. i know the consequences. i choose to follow my heart. and my heart leads to her indefinitely. please don't respond with negative comments


right now, i just know i'm going to meet someone i love on saturday. someone who loves me and believes in me. someone who's still with me after moments of hell and problems. it was really hard. and we worked pretty damn hard to get to this position. i had no way to get to her until now. and now.. it'll only be us


thank you all for the advice and comments

(both positive and negative)

wish me luck


i'll shall enjoy my visit to her

and i love her, very much..


thank you

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