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What Should I Do Next With Her


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Ok heres the story, i like this girl so much. She has a BF but told me that she had feelings for me as well. She has even said that she thinks she might kiss me while we hang out. Neways, i told her my feelings and i dont know what to do next. Her and her BF arent very serious and have broken up on two separate occasions, i believe she is with him by default. I know i could treat her better if given the chance, i just need some advice that would get me closer to doing so,.... thanx

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If you are not single, don't do anything. It would look bad for both of you. Your friends see you each dump someone else than hook up right away. That will not look good. Your exes will both hate you and bad mouth you, at the least.


If you are single, flirt with ehr on occasion, and wait for her to dump him. Don't encoruage it too much. Be confident that you will get her eventually, and you will.

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i totally don't think you should let her kiss you. she said she was going to kiss you next time you both hung out?? how does that make her look to you?? i don't think it would make her look good cause she would be cheating on her bf. it doesn't matter how serious they are, its still cheating. i think you should wait until she breaks up with her bf. i mean, if she doesn't break up with her bf & she does kiss you, what is that going to do?? its not going to mean that you are now her bf, cause she already has a bf, it just makes you a guy she is cheating on her bf with. & chances are, if she knows that you will let her kiss you, then she won't break up with her bf, she will just continue to do things with you. don't you think you deserve a girl who is with only you??

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personally i would give the girl some space, despite that fact that you believe she is with him on default, it may be that evn though they have broken up twice, there is something keeping them together as they are still together she must in some way want to be with him. as you say that you really like her, its right good things come to those who wait...but as said in a post before you dont wait for love, she wont, she could be falling for him right now. you need to be open to options not believing that she is going to end it. im sorry if this is harsh to you but its just my opinion.


enadevoli is right do not let her kiss you, if thats open for her to do in the relationship now how do you know she wouldnt do that to you. dont do or have done to you that you wouldnt to others.


as for getting closer to her leave it on a mutural level and talk to her about it instead of kissing her. you need to be able to communicate and come to a conclusion on what is going to happen here.

ist likely that she doesnt want to hurt her current boyfriend and kissing you will.


good luck in your choice.


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