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Sorry i wasn't really sure where this fitted. I guess this is more right.


Its mainly a rant i guess.


Basically i liked this guy and he said he really liked me. He sent some of the sweetest messages ever to me and i really thought he was a decent guy. I mean he was pretty sexual but his a guy so i kinda expected that anyway.


We actually met online and we had been txting heaps. Im quite scared around guys so was reluctant to meet him and share how i felt because i didn't think there would be any point really. I mean theres not many 17 year old guys who want a relationship with a girl who flinches if he touches her in the wrong place. Theres not many guys in general that would put up with that. I told him about my reactions to guys in the past to explain why theres no point in trying to actually date.


So he knew all about how i felt. Last night we were flirting and he basically asked if i would do sexual stuff to him. I said i wouldn't feel comfortable with that stuff. His reply "you would if you loved me". WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? Seriously. I was so mad that he would use that line. Its so cliche and so wrong. It made me feel guilty for a few moments. But why should i feel guilty? He should feel guilty for saying that to someone!


I don't understand how i manage to find the worst guys in the world and fall for them. Im hopeless. But the few decent guys i know never look twice at me. Im more "best friend" material. Which is great because at the moment i don't want anything more then friendship. Its just frustrating and makes me feel like i don't deserve someone nice. Which i know is bad thinking and what so ever. Just how i feel at the moment.

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If someone says "You would if you loved me"


You immediately respond "You wouldn't manipulate me with the fact I love you to try and make me do things I don't want to do...If you loved me"


You are both 17 year olds. Girls grow up faster than boys and I told me gf that if we met a few years prior that we wouldn't have lasted very long.


unfortunately that is the way it is going to be for a while, it's also why girls date older men when they are younger imo.

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LOL ghost thanks, you made me laugh.


I guess he is quite manipulative and i will be carefull. He has alot of good points too. But i won't ever let anything happen. I can tell i would just get hurt.


Its just frustrating that someone i thought to be a good guy would say that.


luckyyy i know i should have responded with that!! I was so annoyed that i didn't. Its exactly what i would have told my friends to say. I was just in shock and annoyed.


But screw him, im to good for him anyway

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Oldest line in the book! His great grandfather prolly used it. Tell him that if he loved you, he'd let you use a 15 inch strap-on with him? That'll shut him up! IDIOT!

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LOL ghost thanks, you made me laugh.


I guess he is quite manipulative and i will be carefull. He has alot of good points too. But i won't ever let anything happen. I can tell i would just get hurt.


Its just frustrating that someone i thought to be a good guy would say that.


luckyyy i know i should have responded with that!! I was so annoyed that i didn't. Its exactly what i would have told my friends to say. I was just in shock and annoyed.


But screw him, im to good for him anyway


bingo |||||

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