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I wanna know more about rebounds

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I wanna know more about dumpees on the rebound... Do they still think about their ex (dumper) even if they're in a new relationship? Do they still hope that their ex will come back?


Personally, I don't know. But I have seen many threads on ENA from people whose gf/bf broke up with them and went back to their ex.

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Not sure if this will help but...


I had a friend that went out with a girl for five years, broke up. He got into a relationship about four months after, I thought he was happy with it, then he confided in me that he wasnt. From listening to him, I found that he just felt lonely, liked the female attention, wanted to get back out there, and stressing that he felt he NEEDED a girlfriend, NEEDED the attention and didn't like the thought of being alone.


I think this *might be* the basis around a "rebound relationship".


After he realised he didn't actually have any feelings for this new girl and broke it off with her, he did talk about his ex a few times. I told him he would eventually heal and find someone new, in which i received replys such as 'yeah I know, Well I often wonder what she'll be like, cause I was so into my ex, don't feel like I could be as into another girl.'


So if im kinda "generalising" from him alone...I would say that it is very likely the person does think about their ex...

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sometimes. sometimes not.



i did hope my ex would come back. now i don't anymore. i mostly hoped my ex would come back because i thought that he'd be the love of my life. if my current bf broke up with me, i wouldn't be hoping. i'd be sad but then get over it soon. i might think about him, but i think about a lot of people randomly - just because.

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I wanna know more about dumpees on the rebound... Do they still think about their ex (dumper) even if they're in a new relationship? Do they still hope that their ex will come back?


I think for most people they want to "get back" at their ex and make them jealous by shouting, "Hey, I got someone new to cuddle with and I don't need you." So in that sense they are still thinking about their ex while in the new relationship. Who knows if they want their ex to come back. Perhaps they want that ego boost if they do.


Some people are just lonely and want that companionship that they are used to. Either way rebound relationships just aren't healthy.

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I wanna know more about dumpees on the rebound... Do they still think about their ex (dumper) even if they're in a new relationship? Do they still hope that their ex will come back?



Yes and yes. The girl I was supposed to begin a long-term relationship with still had strong feelings for her ex. And even though she and I developed an amazing chemistry, were head over heels for each other, and had pretty much no bad issues in our relationship to that point, that wasn't enough.

Had we met in a different time and place where she had no 'ex-baggage', we likely would have spent years together and developed a marriage-worthy relationship. Instead, she left me with tears in her eyes and went back to her ex and left a hole where my heart should be.


Now I'm thinking she's on the rebound again, and it's only a matter of time before her relationship with him fails. Again.

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My ex, will stay my ex.


If I ever do think of my previous ex's I am only saying thank god I am not with them. Now my current ex is something different...we had alot of chemistry, were best friends, so much in common, but mentally he is unavailable and drug abuse is a dealbreaker...I don't look back.

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greywolf: I'm not sure if I really want him back, but yes I still have feelings for him and the idea of getting back was there but I still had some thinking to do. So this being said, no, I never told him anything about it, and I don't think I will until he's single again and provided that I'm sure I want him back.


The thing is... when you're in love, you don't mind people to know, right? He keeps his current relationship very private, but when he was with me, he wanted the world to know. He told everyone how happy he was to be with me. That makes me wonder.

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I'm with dreamwarrior. I think along the lines of, "Well, that's over. On to the next thing!" There is only one ex I really think about and he was just unimaginably great! We were together for several years and then one thing and another came between us. It was for the best, but I still think about him sometimes. It's funny, I ran into him a few years ago and felt nothing. So, just because a person thinks of someone does not mean they are pining away for them.

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right now on week 3 i keep swinging between wanting him back

and not at all its horrible... its like i have a split personality

i am more concerned what my ex the dumper is doing now...

but i honestly logically think it would be bad to go back to my ex but yes it hink about it

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