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Ready to commit, but now she has broken up


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My girlfriend of three years broke up with me today....we were living together, and we were happy, but since I had this fear of commitment, I never proposed. About three weeks ago, she started really drifting away from me, though she says that she considered breaking up with me before too. May 14 was the last day she told me that she loved me....she then went on a trip and now that she came back she broke up with me. I have been under some pressure too lately, and she said that she felt I was too dependent on her. This is true...I have always seen her as my strongest pillar of support.

I told her that the door was open and she could come back if she wanted to....I love her so much that it really hurts and I want her back. Is there a chance? I can work on the issues, but the major one is over since I want to commit now.....can I get her back?

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Proposing to her would be a way to possibly get her back.


If she really loves you, and isn't seeing anyone new, it could work.


You could go out and buy her a beautiful engagement ring! Then purchases a lot of roses, and have them, along with the engagement ring delivered to her job!!!!


That would be sooooo cute!


And you could be waiting outside with a limo, so that if she says yes the two of you could go to an awesome restaurant for lunch or dinner.


I think she would take you back if you did that.


I'm sure she loves you, but she's thinking of her future. If you are unwilling to commit, she's better off finding a man who is.


If you aren't ready to commit, then it's probably best, that the two of you go your separate ways.

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LOL gracelove your such a romantic


I somewhat agree with the others and say proposing would at least let her know you are serious about her commiting to her.


The only problem is it could make her back off completely. It really does depend on her reasons for breaking up with you. If it was simply just because of the fact that you weren't willing to commit then it should work out. But if there were other reasons i think its important you work those as well.

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It would work unless she thinks you were insincere and were just putting on a show to get her back. I had an ex who was a committment-phobe. I broke up with him and he did propose, but it was too late. I didn't love him any more. He had waited too long. But ask her, she may just say "yes".

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the major one is over since I want to commit now.....


Why? Because she broke up with you? After 3 years you decide you are ready to commit a week after she says goodbye.


To be honest, it just doesn't wash. If I were her i would not believe you.

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Why? Because she broke up with you? After 3 years you decide you are ready to commit a week after she says goodbye.


To be honest, it just doesn't wash. If I were her i would not believe you.


No, it is just that I am someone who is slow to realise what I have. This break up is like a accident, in which someone close to you is hanging between life and death, and you could lose them. Sometimes you realise how much you value what you have in life when you are on the verge of losing it. Dont we all take the things in our lives for granted? The Roman Emperor Marcus Arelius--the philosopher once said, "Make a list of all the things that you have in your life. And then think about how much you would wish for them if you did not have them."


That is what happened to me. I took her for granted...and now I realise what a fool I was.

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That is what happened to me. I took her for granted...and now I realise what a fool I was.


Yes it is the story of 95% of dumpees. Problem is it is not real and if you got back together you would be doing the same thing in 6 months time. Nothing has changed except you got dumped.

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Yes it is the story of 95% of dumpees. Problem is it is not real and if you got back together you would be doing the same thing in 6 months time. Nothing has changed except you got dumped.



melrich has hit the nail on the head.

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