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A Few Muscle Gaining Questions...

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Hi guys, just a few questions that were on my mind really..


Ive recently started working out a lot more, all weight training really because my cardio is fine and i dont want to loose any weight!

I havent re-joined my gym yet, and ive been doing it all at home, which is generally easier.


Ive been doing dumbell excercises and push-ups, crunches etc.

And i have noticed some muscle gain, unless thats just in my head lol?! But im pretty sure that my six pack is more defined these days, and my shoulders and arms have gotten (at least a bit) bigger.


Anyway, seen as im doing all high weight reps excercises..


1. How much time should i be spending, doing it all?

2. Are protein shakes effective at all? (i bought a whey protein shake, and i take it..but mostly bcs i bought it and mayaswell use it!)

3. Ive heard that you should drink the shake within 15mins of doing your training, is that true?

4. If they are effective, then how many should i drink per day? (i know it depends on my diet..but i guess it changes from day to day..and i do try and eat more pasta, tuna..etc)

5. Is too much protein bad for you? Or a waste? (i know that unused protein will eventually turn into fats and carbs..which i dont need!)

6. How many reps should i generally be doing? (im doing 12 atm) And should i be doing the reps a few times over during the same session?

7. And finally, is doing it all at home slowing me down? (i read that free weights are better as they build on the supporting muscle fibres aswell..so do i even need the machines?)


Thanks guys, ill leave it at that for now..im sure ill have some more! lol

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I've been weight training on and off for years with good results so I can give you some advice that worked for me. Let me try to answer your questions:


1) If your goal is to build muscle mass mainly you should be training no more than 4 times per week with 3 days off where you rest and grow.


2) Protein shakes are a good way to supplement your diet but no substitute for a good diet that's for sure.


3) Immediately after training is when your body is craving and requiring the protein for muscle growth. 15mins is a bit of an exaggeration, I would say if you drink the shake or eat a high protein meal within 30-40mins it's good enough. Most importantly you should replemish the fluids lots immediately after a workout so drink lots of water during and immediately after.


4) If you are already eating a protein rich diet then you shouldn't drink more than one shake per day, if you really want drink 2 on your workout days but no more than one a day otherwise. It may make you feel too bloated or lazy if you overdrink them.


With regard to your food groups, tuna, pasta, chicken, yes those are all great for you but remember stuff like pasta is complex carbs and should be consumed prior to working out while chicken/tuna generally post working out. General rule= carbs give you energy and protein builds good muscle. Ideally, if you eat a high protein diet you shouldn't need to buy the shakes so finish the one you have and don't buy more unless you really find yourself in a plateau with progress.


5) Yes I went through a phase in my early 20s when I was consuming too much protein shakes and it made me feel lazy and bloated so I wouldn't reccomend it.


6) If your goal is muscle gain you should focus on power exercises, train each muscle group once (max twice) per week allowing for good rest periods and do about 4-5 exercises for each muscle group with 6-10 reps per exercise. If you can comfortably do 12 reps than you should be upping the weight. If your goal is to maintain weight and burn fat and build muscle and get more definition than doing 12-14 reps per exercise is perfectly good.


7) Working out at home has it's advantages but generally speaking you need a gym for optimal muscle development. Point being is that at home there are limited exercies you can do and for you to really get bigger and stronger you need to shock your body and change up your routine (vary the exercises) every 3-6 months. It's difficult to do that at home. Free weights are the superior method of developing muscle mass but a combination of universal machines and free weights is best.


Just some other general things that worked extremely well for me:


This is the program that worked best for me in gaining muscle and just improving my strength in general. Try it out, it worked great for a few of my friends as well who are beginner to intermediate lifters.


Day 1. Chest & Triceps

Flat bench- bench press using dumbbells (dumbbells better stimulate muscle growth than bar) 3 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Incline bench- dumbbell press, 2 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Decline bench- dumbbell press, 2 sets, 6-8 reps per set

Cable crossovers- 1 set, 12-14 reps per set

Tricep press (Cable flat bar/or rope)- 3 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Tricep extensions, 2 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Tricep press (reverse grip), 2 sets, 6-10 reps per set


Day 2: Back & Biceps

Wide grip pull downs, 3 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Cable rows, 2 sets, 6-8 reps per set

Barbell rows, 2 sets, 6-8 reps per set

Shrugs, 2 sets, 10-14 reps per set

Dumbbell curls, 2 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Ez Curl Barbell preacher curls, 2 sets, 6-8 reps per set

Reverse grip barbell curls (good for forearms), 2 sets, 6-10 reps per set


Day 3: Shoulders & Legs

Dumbbel over head military press, 3 sets, 6-10 reps per set

Lateral dumbbell raises, 2 sets, 6-8 reps per set

Front dumbbell raises, 2 sets, 6-8 reps per set

Squats, 3 sets, 6-10 reps per set


I rest for 4 days and just eat right and got amazing results with the above program. You can do it for 6 months and you'll be getting great results and then you might want to change it up to shock your body. It's a great 3 days split and saves you alot of time as you only go to the gym 3 times per week for one hour at a time. Rest no more than 3 minutes between exercises. I rest about 1-2 mins. Also, you might want to throw in some abs in there at the end of each workout like crunches or leg raises.

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CaptainNapalm has some good advice especially in terms of nutrition and diet, but as a beginner i would suggest you stick to the basic compound exercises and a full body style workout three times per week. The general consensus is that this is the best way of packing on muscle quickly. I see your in the UK, have a look at the forum on the menshealth.co.uk website and you will see why.


I would suggest scrap any triceps extensions/cable crossovers etc.

Instead stick to




bench press

barbell rows

weighted chin ups

weighted dips

leg raises

Shoulder press


These exercises you will be able to lift the heaviest weights on and hence you will see big increases in muscle mass.


Dont be drawn into just working your beach muscles, dont neglect legs or back, there the biggest muscle groups, if you can squat 1.5 times your body weight you will be big all over.


if you really want to do arm work go for close grip bench and barbell curls.


Hope that helps. Ive gained two stone in a year doing full body workouts!

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Wow , great answer! thanks a lot! Ill keep it all in mind, especially the general rule on carbs and protein.

Thanks for the program too, ill save it now and make a copy. So youd reccomend me only doing one or two sessions per week on each muscle group? Allowing more time for rest?


I just read that the protein shakes allow for quicker healing/repair..So say if i wanted to gain muscle quickly, would drinking them allow me to work harder and more frequently (with less rest days?) ... say for example if i just got bored and wanted to do some, but would i potentially be slowing my progress by not resting?


Ill probably join the gym during the summer, as im finding it hard to think of different excercises for muscle groups at the moment...


Im doing mostly upper body right now with abs excercises, every other day..but only working for around 30/40mins at a time. Should i be spending more time? and then resting for longer periods?

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alb444, I agree that you can get great results with your routine suggestion. I just think it might be a little too frequent for him to train each muscle group 3 times per week. As an example, if he's in the gym monday doing upper body and does his chest and is scheduled for wednesday to do upper body again, since he's just starting out at the gym his chest might not be fully rrecovered to receive a workload again in two days. We all know when we first started hitting the gym how long the soarness from working out on each muscle group can last, up to 3-4 days. So that is why I recommended each muscle group 1-2 times per week max for the first 3 months at least. Just to give it optimum rest at first. I would recommend your program after the initial 3 months for optimum muscle/strength gain.

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Sam what you have read about protein shakes allowing your muscles to heal more quickly is definitely something someone would write to promote the use of protein. However, keep in mind that it's the "protein" that fules your muscles, not necessarily "protein shakes" so with that said if you eat a nice beef or chicken meal or few eggs after a workout it will equal to the same as giving your body a protein shake. Protein shakes are excellent for very busy people who will hit the gym and are on the go right after so to have a nutritious meal is almost impossible so they resort to protein shakes. Just eat right and you don't need the shakes.

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Okay, i just did some more reading up and found some more info on recovery times, and apparently it takes around 24hours (depending on the individual) for optimum rest. (edit: for maximum protein build and to repair the muscle)

I understand what you mean about resting for around a week before starting again on the same muscle group.. So say if wasnt feeling sore at all a few days earlier, would it be alright to start again?


My abs are feeling pretty sore today, meaning i shouldnt do some today right?


So protein meals are better than just the shakes right, but what about a combination? As i am busy now and again..

In fact, how much protein grams do i need each day? I havent calculated this out yet..

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Ah thanks a lot ghost,


right so 50grams is too much? Apparently the whey protein shake has 27grams per 30gram serving...


use 2 scoops.


i use time released protein powder. releases 4-6 hours. syntha-6 is the kind i use now. large red jug. chocolate takes like nestle quik.

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Hmm at the moment, i have whey protein..not sure what make..but yeah it tastes like nesquik too!


2 scoop with the same amount of water? Wouldnt that make it around 60grams? and ineffective?


or 2 separate servings at 4hour intervals?

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Hmm at the moment, i have whey protein..not sure what make..but yeah it tastes like nesquik too!


2 scoop with the same amount of water? Wouldnt that make it around 60grams? and ineffective?


or 2 separate servings at 4hour intervals?


just get 50-60, it's okay. you want to max it out. but try using skim milk too. i hate water.

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SamT if you are a beginner or even an intermediate lifter you should forget about 50g of protein in one shot. If you really want to take it I would take that 50g and split it into two servings at intervals of every couple of hours. It will work better for you and you will feel much better. I can see how a 50g shake can benefit a 250lb advanced lifter after his 3 hours workout but for someone starting out it's a laughable amount, stick to 25g at max and drink it more often if you want.

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take a look at


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link removed that for how to do exercises


From personal experience i would strongly suggest you avoid falling into the trap of doing a bodypart split routine. If you wanna do a split routine go with push-pull ie. alternate between


deadlift, chins ups, bent over rows + leg raises


squats, bench press, shoulder press, dips + leg raises


Dont worry about having sore abs, the more frequently you work your muscle groups, the quicker you will recover as your CNS (central nervous system) adapts.


When i first started i always used to get sore. Now i can bench press three time a week and i never get any soreness. You will be fine as long as you leave 48 hours between workouts eg. monday/wednesday/friday



Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

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SamT if you are a beginner or even an intermediate lifter you should forget about 50g of protein in one shot. If you really want to take it I would take that 50g and split it into two servings at intervals of every couple of hours. It will work better for you and you will feel much better. I can see how a 50g shake can benefit a 250lb advanced lifter after his 3 hours workout but for someone starting out it's a laughable amount, stick to 25g at max and drink it more often if you want.


i absolutely do not agree with this. a 250lb advanced lifter has nothing to do with cutting a protein diet. muscle is hungry for protein after working out no matter what.

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i absolutely do not agree with this. a 250lb advanced lifter has nothing to do with cutting a protein diet. muscle is hungry for protein after working out no matter what.


Yeah, I use 2 scoops too... the body will need protein it doesn't matter how experienced you are body's react to the trauma of working out exactly the same.. sometimes it just takes more sets or reps to create this trauma and shock the muscles into growth. I agree with ghost.

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Yeah, I use 2 scoops too... the body will need protein it doesn't matter how experienced you are body's react to the trauma of working out exactly the same.. sometimes it just takes more sets or reps to create this trauma and shock the muscles into growth. I agree with ghost.


the bigger guys require more frequency of the protein all day and 4000-6000 calories a day to sustain that size. we are just giving you the basics to gaining muscle. we aren't trying to make you the hulk.

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Ok..it looks like ive started a bit of a discussion here?!


It seems like theres 2 ways to this thing?

..yes i am a bit of a beginner right now, so i just work with what you give me! lol and whatever i find.. Im not too sure, but i believe i do have a high metabolic rate, because ive never really gained much weight no matter what i ate in the past! Does that make any difference to the amount of protein/carbs i should be taking?


alb thanks for the links ill have a look!


Ill check back soon with you guys!

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Ok..it looks like ive started a bit of a discussion here?!


It seems like theres 2 ways to this thing?

..yes i am a bit of a beginner right now, so i just work with what you give me! lol and whatever i find.. Im not too sure, but i believe i do have a high metabolic rate, because ive never really gained much weight no matter what i ate in the past! Does that make any difference to the amount of protein/carbs i should be taking?


alb thanks for the links ill have a look!


Ill check back soon with you guys!


still take as much as you weigh. if you go to a gym, look around and don't be afraid to ask the big guys for some lifting tips.

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No worries m8, i know i was greatful for all the advice i could get when i started. Ive been weightlifting for about a year and a half now. When i started i was anorexic looking, i was around 9 stone at 6ft/6ft 1! Now im about 11 stone, im still pretty slim but ive got decent muscle tone now with very little bodyfat so i look ok.


I dont know what your starting out at, but im guessing your aiming to bulk up like i have done.


My personal story goes as follows;-


- started out using machines at the local gym - gained roughly a couple of pounds (beginners gains)


- then followed my friends (a rugby player) advice, as i presumed if he was big, his workout plan must work, and started doing a split workout eg. arms one day, shoulders next etc - This was a mixture of freeweight exercises such as shrugs, hammer curls, tricep pressdowns and machines, doing this i didnt really gain any weight


- then made my own workout plan based around captain napalms suggestion. Doing this i gained about half a stone. I was mainly using freeweights but still doing isolation exercises like bicep curls, lateral raises etc along with a few compounds such as leg press, bench press etc


- I then read up on a few of the links i suggested for you and decided to change to full body workouts. 3 days a week, 4 compound exercises per workout - one back, one chest one leg and one shoulder exercise. Im usually in the gym for 40 minutes at the most. Doing this ive gained over a stone in around 5 months. My arms are now bigger and im beginning to get a six pack, this is without doing hardly any crunches or bicep curls.This is pretty much all muscle aswell as i have hardly any bodyfat.


Im not suggesting anyone elses advice should be discounted, just presuming if your starting out as skinny like i was then maybe you will have more success with the full body workout idea and not waste the time i did doing the wrong things.


diet wise aim for 3000 calories a day, eat plenty of veg, fruit, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, wholemeal pitta breads, oats, yoghurt, nuts, and lean meat such as chicken, turkey, tuna. Drink loads of water and you cant go wrong.


I thought i would never gain any weight no matter what i ate but ive managed to gain two stone so theres no reason why you cant


Best of luck anyway and feel free to ask if you want any other advice.

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