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What Exactly is Considered a Date?


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As the title asks, in your opinion, what exactly is the difference between a date, and just hanging out with a friend?


How would you go about making it clear to a friend that you'd like to date them, without obviously asking "will you go on a date with me?"

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As the title asks, in your opinion, what exactly is the difference between a date, and just hanging out with a friend?


How would you go about making it clear to a friend that you'd like to date them, without obviously asking "will you go on a date with me?"


I think the difference is intention. When you are dating both are trying to see if there is a romantic interest. Naturally, the only way to make sure it's a date is to make your intentions clear.

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How would you go about making it clear to a friend that you'd like to date them, without obviously asking "will you go on a date with me?"

You ramp up the flirting, take an interest in other women/men, and get out of the friendzone. They should take the hint, and if they reciprocate, ask them out.


"I'd like to take you out sometime...someplace special. Like dinner. Would you like that?"

Something like that would be a great way to start. It helps distance you from friend-zone, without forcing an abrupt decision on the part of your friend about their feelings for you. But it's just a start.


Ultimately, you have to bluntly ask... no way around it... everything else is just testing the waters.

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Yeah, in this case you definitely don't need the initial coffee shop type setting. You already know the person, so go straight to an actual date paying attention to her favorite places to eat/drink/shop/etc. Going to an outside mall strip is an excellent date setting for someone you already know really well. That way you always have the people around you and the items in the stores to talk about. Keeps the conversation flowing and allows for flirting.

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Any time a man asks you out to do a specific thing (almost always in advance and not spur of the moment) involving you and him alone, and there is no preexisting pattern of hanging out as friends, you should assume he's asking you out for a date unless he expressly states or leads you to believe otherwise.


Would love to live in a world where I could say to a woman, "Hey would you like to go on a date with me next Tuesday?" and not trigger some awkward, convoluted thought process in the woman, but such is not the world we live in. So, we ask women to do specific things without mentioning the word "date" and in so doing, distill the transaction into a simple "yes" or "no" proposition that makes it easier on both parties.


Sure there are some gray areas, but in those cases, what does it really matter whether the formal term "date" is applied to the activity?

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Well calling something a "date" in my opinion is as a result of what happens when you guys are out. Why don't give off hints when you guys are hanging out like give a kiss or hold the hand or whatever and if the person is comfortable with that then you guys are obviously hanging out as more than friends and it's evident it was a date. But even if people sometimes arrange to have a "date" in advance and they don't click and nothing happens between them than I would call that hanging out anyways.

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Iv been dating a girl for about 3 weeks now, not a full on relationship. we were friends before and we would hang out and do things. But now we do those same type of things and theres a bit more focus on eachother than before. I guess it has to do with the feel of things.

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