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"Emotionally Disconnected"

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My girlfriend broke up with me after 2 years - the last 14 months of which lasted as a long distance relationship. She cited that she had become "emotionally disconnected" from me in the last two months. On average, we saw each other for a weekend once every 6 weeks.


Anyone have experiences with being "emotionally disconnected" while in a long distance relationship? I'm curious to see how much our distance apart (300 miles) played a role in this. What efforts were made to become more connected?

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I don't have any experience with a long distance relationship ending, since mine never got a chance to start.


But I think distance does play a huge role in creating an emotional disconnect. Were there ever plans of closing the distance? And perhaps I'm wrong, but 300 miles isn't that big of a distance. Why weren't there more visits?

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300 miles is a pretty long distance... It takes me around 45 minutes just to get to somewhere that's 25 miles away (my school).


To the OP- I was in a long distance relationship with someone for about 8 months. We really just grew apart, and I did become emotionally disconnected. However, I lived in Mass and he lived in California- so we really were just on opposite ends of the country. It was hard, and I'm sad to say that there was no effort made to get the connection back. We just didn't have much in common to begin with, and I broke it off with him.

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I don't have any experience with a long distance relationship ending, since mine never got a chance to start.


But I think distance does play a huge role in creating an emotional disconnect. Were there ever plans of closing the distance? And perhaps I'm wrong, but 300 miles isn't that big of a distance. Why weren't there more visits?


I graduated college a year ago, and she has this upcoming year left. At some point, our lives would have had to come together. She seems a little confused with what she wants in life. Would I want to move in with the boyfriend? Where do I want to move to? My friends have moved to cool places after graduating - can I? How, with a boyfriend? After all, she said "I have never really been single while in college."



Visits were limited because she lived in a sorority (where I am not allowed to stay!), she has anxiety issues about driving and couldn't visit me without someone giving her a ride, she works a lot, I work a lot, and we're poor college students.

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Wow, I feel like I can actually contribute something to this discussion. My girlfriend and I have been long distance since November '07. We're about 500 miles apart, and we get to see eachother for a few days every month. In our case, long distance began about 2 years after we got together, and it was for a finite amount of time. However, I feel like in our case it's brought us closer together. We talk every day and have even been playing online scrabble for the last few months. If your girlfriend felt emotionally distant from you for the last two months, it could have been for any number of reasons. The fact that you've been long distance for 14 months may have hastened her decision, but chances are she was going to break up with you anyway. I know it sucks, but consider it a learning experience and try not to dwell on 'what if's'. Hope that helps.

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Gena, I think you're definitely wrong, 300 miles is a significant distance and would cost a fair amount to do. It certaintly isn't something you can easily do, especially if they're still teenagers.


I'm 24, she's 22. I have finished college, she has not. She has one year left.

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