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What do you value most in your life?

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My family. I love and appreciate them more than I can express. I work in a field where children lose their families and it's heartbreaking. It's the luck of the draw which family we get born into and I am beyond lucky.


Books. I always carry one with me.


My friends. Especially my best friend. She gets me like no one else does.


My health. I love working out and knowing that I'm making my body healthy.

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It's hard to pick one thing but likely my ability to make a positive difference through both small kindnesses and larger good deeds.


That's a great one. It's always things like that that go the most unappreciated but deserve the most recognition!

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Hmm good question. I value my faith, my ability to move on and forward. I value the real connections i have made with special people in my life. I value my freedom and independence and my desire to grow and help others.


There is more LOL but that is all i will write!

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What I value most is my health. It takes discipline and a certain pride to really take care of yourself. Being blessed with the natural ability to be athletic.


A close second though is family. Having the confidence to reach out to family members when needed. Having the assurance that they will always be there for me when I fall, stumble, and fail. Having the ability to learn and gain insight from the mistakes they've made. Knowing that all my success boils down to my support system.

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Not having very much information about the situation makes it a little difficult. Does it resemble this?...

I have been exchanging emails with a few men of late,iv never met them,but will meet one today..Anyway within the first 48 hours i mentioned to both of them that i didnt like pressure of any kind,not that they were giving me any. I think that i was pre warning them because it has happened in the past & immediately turned me off..


It makes me feel harassed when people put pressure on me,even in small amounts.


One has listened & is giving me no pressure whatsoever but the other one isnt really taking it on board & its putting me off him..

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