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How much time do you spend with your S.O. ?


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My current SO and I spend everyday with each other. But that's not the norm.


It really depends on both of your schedules, and age, but I would say for the average couple it would be around 3 to 4 times a week.

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When I was 6 months in with my now boyfriend we lived together. Not that that is the right move for everyone. But really early on in the relationship if you aren't wanting to spend a lot of time together I would take that as a bad sign, but that is just me. I would say 4-6 nights a week if you could fit it in. Depends on how busy you guys are.

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my boyfriend and i have been dating a month, live 20 minutes from each other, and see each other every day and spend nearly every night together. he works 60 hours a week or so, and i work like 20 (haha barely) but we still manage to see each other and have sex nearly every day or every other day.


but i dont see that as "normal". i think it is classic "moving too fast" but i think it feels right.


it really depends on the people involved, your schedules, your ages, all of that. but mostly, do what makes you happy!

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Well... the thing is... is I would be comfortable with 2-3 times a week... maybe a night during the week hanging out at home and an evening out and maybe a day doing something fun like hiking or whatever... As of now, we only see eachother once a week, sometimes every other week. While this, to me says that she's not interested, when she talks to me or what-have-you, she always seems very interested. -Quite odd.

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Well... the thing is... is I would be comfortable with 2-3 times a week... maybe a night during the week hanging out at home and an evening out and maybe a day doing something fun like hiking or whatever... As of now, we only see eachother once a week, sometimes every other week. While this, to me says that she's not interested, when she talks to me or what-have-you, she always seems very interested. -Quite odd.


have you told her you'd like to see her more often? is she very busy with work or school or both? what are the conditions/cirumstances of your relationship?

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For the first 2 years of my relationship we saw eachother every single day. Moved in together after that, then he started to travel with work, so he was gone sometimes for afew weeks.


Now here I am, seeing him once every 4-5 months.



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She does online courses and works 30 hours a week. She complains how she never has time to do school-work but honestly, she's always at home... so I don't quite get that. I have a full-time (60-75 hours/week) job as the information systems officer at a bio-fuels facility and I also work about 10-25 hours a week with a side business maintaining web sites from my home. -And I'm an on-call disaster managment coordinator for the state (maybe 2 hours a week on average, 10 at most) (i'm of the busy-people variety) but I still would make time to see her.

-She just complains how there's not enough time in the day, but does seemingly nothing with it.

-It's to the point where I take offense to her making up excuses for why she should stay at home to do homework and then not doing it. Maybe I'm just used to being in a faster-paced life?!

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My ex thinks twice a week was enough. I think more, perhaps 3-4 times, but he thinks thats too much


I guess with his job and the fact he wanted to see his mates as well, twice a week was all he could do, as he worked evenings sometimes and I had school.


But do you think that would be enough?

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When I first started seeing my bf, we saw each other 2-3 times a week for about the first 3 years or so. The last 5-6 years we have seen each other every day, even though we don't live together and I seldom spend the night. We just kind of gradually grew closer, neither of us was in a hurry, still aren't. Let it develop as it will. If either he or I had pushed for more time together at the start, I doubt we would still be together.

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My ex and I saw each other every day, literally, we were with each other every day, thick or thin.


I often think it's the reason for our failed relationship, I told my ex once that we needed to see each other less and she flipped out on me. I couldn't bear to say it again and hurt her again, and she never said anything to me, she ended up just breaking up with me.

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