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Endometriosis? Help ladies.

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I have been suffering over the last 7 years with abdominal pains that steadily have gotten worse. Recently I have had an ER visit - I truly thought my appendix was about to burst - but my appendix was fine. I have seen several doctors had a bunch of tests, an ultrasound confirmed that I have a split uterus - but this should not cause any pain. They now believe it is endometriosis, but cannot confirm it without surgery.


The last bad bout with it I actually fainted from the pain & hit my head. I cannot afford surgery, I have no insurance & have already racked up $4000 in medical bills from tests & the ER visit.


Does anyone know what I can do to help combat this? Right now I take percocet on bad days but it just subdues the pain. I have alot of heartache in my life right now & I think stress is making it worse.


Does anyone else out there have this condition & does anything help?

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My mom has it- and she has had surgery which improved her condition. She also took birth control and that helped.


Maybe you can have the surgery- but pay on a payment plan?


Hospitals cannot refuse patients based on their ability or inability to pay.


link removed I don't want to scare you- but if you let it go and it reaches an "advanced stage" it sounds pretty scary.


Endometriosis can also cause scar tissue and adhesions to develop that can distort a woman’s internal anatomy. In advanced stages, internal organs may fuse together, causing a condition known as a "frozen pelvis."

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I'm not a woman, but I am sorry to hear that this has been going on so long. I looked at a few websites and maybe they will have information that can help, its a lot of information on ways to alter your diet to alleviate symptoms. I hope it helps:


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Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your help. I have tried to work out a payment plan & what not & just can't swing it right now. I have tried different birth control - Seasonique made me depressed & had weird side effects & am now on Ortho-Tricyclon, which hasn't helped any.


I will definitely look into a dietery solution, I was even thinking about trying a naturopath. Worth a shot, yeah?

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Naturopathic medicine is looked down in the West far too often I think. It is really powerful and I've seen it work firsthand, you should absolutely go for it with an open mind and it could potentially work wonders for you!

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Yea I know what you mean. Reiki and simple meditation are two tools that I have personally used and seen good physical results. Another possible option is hypnosis; I know it might sound hoky, but if you can tell your body what you need it to subconsciously, it will do it for you.

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I think Natural remedies are worth a try- but I highly doubt that meditation and Reiki will stop uterine lining from growing on other organs outside of the uterus.


Meditation and Reiki might help with coping with the pain- but other than that it sounds like the poster has a serious case of endometriosis which will require some scientifically sound intervention so that the condition does not cause further internal damage and unecessary physical suffering. This is not one of those conditions that can be left untreated or wished away.

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Yeah, me too. Well, I have printed all the info out & will also give naturopathy a try. Thank you both so very much for finding this info for me! Greatly appreciated & any other comments are surely welcomed.

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Thanks for your help. I have tried to work out a payment plan & what not & just can't swing it right now. I have tried different birth control - Seasonique made me depressed & had weird side effects & am now on Ortho-Tricyclon, which hasn't helped any.


I will definitely look into a dietery solution, I was even thinking about trying a naturopath. Worth a shot, yeah?



hi i am being tested for the same thing... i know our medicines are different but i am on a birth control pill called micro-gynin i dont know if you can get it but i have also tried yasmin...which is an american pill and it helped but gave me other side affects... nothing can make them go away but u can make them ease

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