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Thin guys?


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Actually, I'm a woman- LOL


Not everyone has an easy time putting on weight. It's possible but still difficult for some people. The same as people who want to lose weight, it's possible, but for some people it's extremely difficult.


BTW_ Just FYI- My disorder is more common than you think- Since there's no real symptoms, a lot of naturally thin people have it and don't even know it.


I always found thin guys extremely attractive. It all comes down to personal preference.

Not all women like bulky men. That's a sterotypical assumption.

It's like women with breast implants. A know a lot of women who have had them assuming more men will be attracted to them. 9 times out of ten- the same amount of guys were attracted to them as before. Attraction is more than just physical appearance.



my bad lol

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Im 6'1 , 150 lbs..if there was a strong enough wind it would basically break me. I know how you feel, but don't think that because your skinny women wont find you attractive. Personally, Ive found that women don't go looking for men based on looks as much as we do. Sure, if your extremely ugly with a horrible misshapen face you may have trouble in that department, but if you have the right kind of personality you can work it with any body type.


Ive found ive had a relatively good track record for women interested in me. Basically, if your upbeat, generally have a happy attitude and have a good sense of humor that makes everyone around you laugh, you'll be surprised how many women will be attracted to it. Be happy with the way you are, at least your not on the other end of the spectrum. (No disrespect for anyone who is, just saying).

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I think one alternitive for you could be Creatine. Like protein its already in your body, you're just kinda adding to it, ya know? works for both men and women. I have a high metabolism also(minus the intestine problem), so I can pretty much eat what I want, but I can also gain muscle pretty quickly..but I also lose it if I dont eat right, or stop working out for a certain # of days.


But I do agree w/ you, it all depends on the person who looks at you.

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I'm 6'2" 135 right now. I'm a little under my norm which was 145-148. I run all the time, and stay fit. I don't have a lot of muscle but what is there is defined, and toned. If you like the way you look in the mirror then that's what matters. Run with it. Be confident and love your body. I've run into a lot of girls that were attracted to me physically. Most of the time it wasn't anything but my smile, and body language they hooked on.

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You will only be as attractive as you think you are. If you believe you're unattractive it will come accross as such. If you walk into a room believing you're the hottest **** there people will see that confidence and be attracted to it.

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If I had to choose I'd much rather choose to be lanky than muscular, no matter what anyone thinks. I mean, right now I'm neither, cause I don't have the smallest frame, but I'm not "muscular" (I mean I've heard from other people that I look kinda athletic. But I know I don't look like a weightlifter) either and I've got some fat on me, but as a child I was always lanky up until when I was like 9 or 8, then started to put on weight like crazy cause of some sort of appetite-inducing supplement some doctor prescribed cause I supposedly didn't eat. I ended up being completely obese, then lost a lot of weight when I was an older teen. I think maybe I was supposed to be lanky and kinda wish I had stayed that way all my life. Naturally lanky people hardly put on weight, even when they get older. If we lived in medieval europe then I'd care about being big and bulky. But nowadays not really. But I guess it isn't the most important thing to me either.

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I would say I'm a thin guy myself, never really had a problem with it. You just need to be confident in yourself. It's true, a lot of girls aren't attracted to guys who have a smaller build than they do, but then again a lot guys don't like girls that are bigger than them.

I've never been able to gain much weight either, I have a decent metabolism I'd say. It'll probably come back and bite me when I'm in my mid 30's, but I wouldn't worry too much about your weight. Focus more on your attitude toward yourself.

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I've always wondered what the difference is between thin and srawny? I hear many women say they don't like scrawny guys...


Think Gumby for scrawny (that's what I think of anyway...)


Thin to me is a healthy look, maybe not muscle but still a little meat that's noticeable, like a teeny pooch in the belly or thighs. Scrawny is unhealthy looking, arms and legs that seem to flail about in the wind or something (I don't know why I picture that when I think scrawny)

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