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Thin guys?


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I've always had trouble putting on weight and have pretty much remained the same weight for the last 5-8 years regardless how much I eat. I always see girls paired with bigger, bulkier guys. So i'm just wondering whether thin guys are attractive..

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I know how you feel, I am a short guy 5'3 and I weigh 120 lbs. I never had a gf yet and I know my height plays a big factor. I have been rejected many times before because of my size. A lot of women don't find short guys attractive, like me A lot of girls wants a tall guy, thats how they are. Majority of all the girls I see are with guys that are tall and medium built..How about me?? I am nice, caring, athletic and outgoing but I am not tall but I deserve a date or a gf. I hate it when I get judged by my height and looks, its not fair at all but yes it is part of life and nothing I can do to change it.

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dont concerntrate on things that cant be changed, because 99% of the time its not really why your single.


wait till you have no arms, or are in a wheelchair/have aids, or some other horrible disease. then you will find it hard.

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how thin you talking man and whats your height?? There are always ways to put on some weight. even if your thin, as long as your working out, gaining muscle, the chicks will dig it.


Eat alot of Carbs protein and try a suppliment called Tren Extreme and hit the gym hard. Then you will blow up!

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I've always had trouble putting on weight and have pretty much remained the same weight for the last 5-8 years regardless how much I eat. I always see girls paired with bigger, bulkier guys. So i'm just wondering whether thin guys are attractive..


you are eating the wrong things. nobody, i mean nobody cannot NOT put on weight. eat extra calorie, take creatine, and eat lots of protein and lift heavy. less reps with more weight. bulk up. you WILL gain some weight.

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I personally am highly attracted to thin/trim guys.

I am a small/slender woman myself so I mostly dated guys who were very svelte.

I do know how you feel though. The same is true with women, a lot of guys don't like women who are as thin as me (think Keira Knightley) since we don't "have enough curves". And when you come accross a lot of people like that who are afraid they will "break you" it can be discouraging and make you feel unattractive.

But I have also found a lot of men that DO like me as I am.

So different strokes for different folks. There are women out there who will be attracted to you as you are. If you like how you look and you are healthy, don't feel like you have to change yourself for anyone.

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Oh Forgot to add-


Don't feel like you have to gain weight or have huge muscles to be considered attractive.

I personally do not find bulky/muscle packed guys attractive. And lots of women feel the same. Attractiveness is not a one stop shop. It is all in the eye of the beholder.

I would recommend that you be yourself. If you want to bulk up for yourself do it, but please don't think that it will make you automatically attractive to everyone, it won't.


And Ghost- I am sorry but I have to disagree with you. There ARE people who have trouble putting on weight. Myself for example, I have a very high metabolism PLUS I have an intestine disorder where my body does not absorb protein correctly. I have always had a hard time gaining weight, even as a baby. Weight gain is just as hard for some as weight loss can be for others.

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I doubt this guy wants to mess around with prohormones like Tren... but if he dieted correctly and worked out right I think anyone can put on weight. Last year at this time, my friend weighed 130 at 5'11", he is now 170. He had the classic ectomorph body type. I think unless you are a rare case like the guy wit the intestine disorder you can put on weight.

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I doubt this guy wants to mess around with prohormones like Tren... but if he dieted correctly and worked out right I think anyone can put on weight. Last year at this time, my friend weighed 130 at 5'11", he is now 170. He had the classic ectomorph body type. I think unless you are a rare case like the guy wit the intestine disorder you can put on weight.



True so i guess the question is, how old are you? maybe you havent hit your spurt yet? just drink alot of beer! haha

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b/c i'm a shorter girl who has a little extra meat, i like my guys to be about the same. i don't particularly care for tall guys as it's difficult to reach them, but i think there's something attractive witha guy who has a little more meat on his bones. plus it makes me less insecure about my weight in the relationship.


the guy i'm dating now is very thin and just doesn't put on weight (so he says). we both have this insane weakness for desserts and eat a lot of them together, and yesterday my favorite skirt was fitting a little tight. meanwhile he's offering me another root beer float and i'm like, "uh no thanks b/c i'm becoming the fat one in the relationship!"


thin guys ARE attractive. it's just a matter of finding a girl who likes thin guys too. thye're out there. no worries!

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i'm 5'9" @ 143lbs right now. i used to be 145 but seem to have an easier time losing weight than gaining. yea I also have the high metabolism problem.



how old are you?? dude i hit a point of lazyness from the gym at one time where i was 150lbs and im 5'9" also. Its really easy to gain weight. After eating small healthy high protien meals throughout the day with vigorous working out and supplements i bumped up to 180lbs. Im taking a break now cause i was getting really veiny but everyone can gain. i also have a high metabolism. look at it as a blessing. would you rather have a low metabolism and gain tons of weight???? lots of calories and high carbs! tren is prohormones but it works fast to bulk you up. creatine (celltech) works wonders too but it also adds water weight so it will make you look more bulky but less cut.

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My boyfriend is 150lbs, and is skinny, 10st 5lbs ... actually so 145lbs'ish?


As long as you don't look like' you'd snap if someone where to hug you hard, I think you're ok.


I don't particularly look for em', but it certainly would not put me off.

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I think unless you are a rare case like the guy wit the intestine disorder you can put on weight.


Actually, I'm a woman- LOL


Not everyone has an easy time putting on weight. It's possible but still difficult for some people. The same as people who want to lose weight, it's possible, but for some people it's extremely difficult.


BTW_ Just FYI- My disorder is more common than you think- Since there's no real symptoms, a lot of naturally thin people have it and don't even know it.


I always found thin guys extremely attractive. It all comes down to personal preference.

Not all women like bulky men. That's a sterotypical assumption.

It's like women with breast implants. A know a lot of women who have had them assuming more men will be attracted to them. 9 times out of ten- the same amount of guys were attracted to them as before. Attraction is more than just physical appearance.

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dont concerntrate on things that cant be changed, because 99% of the time its not really why your single.


wait till you have no arms, or are in a wheelchair/have aids, or some other horrible disease. then you will find it hard.


I was born with a bone disorder called extosis and yes it makes it harder for me to find and attract a girl.

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