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What would you choose??

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This one is simple... anyone that would choose the money doesn't even understand the definition of love so it's not a fair contest. That's not choosing "love or money", but rather "me ego or money".


A better contest...


You have met the person of your dreams. They fulfill you in every way. They are everything that you've always dreamed of and make you feel satisfied in every way. However, you are told through "higher powers" that, unequivocally, this person will be better off, happier, and more fullfilled in their life if you are not their partner.


Do you...


a) Share this information with your partner, and in turn let them go.




b) Keep this information from your partner, and in turn allow your dreams to be fulfilled at their expense.


I'd tell them but secretly hope they loved me enough to stay.


(and #1, of course)

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I sort of want to find that on my own though........


Exactly! I couldn't possibly be with someone knowing that they are with me only because of what someone did.

Part of the reason someone can be so precious to you is because it took you a long time to find them, AND because you've gone through so much together.

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This makes a lot of sense and I agree with this...


however, he did say this:




So... I guess I'm assuming that it kinda would be someone that you'd pick... and maybe they'd just somehow magically guide me to them?


Sigh... aint' gunna happen anyhow .... but if my romantical problems were instantly solved next month, or even next year... that would be a miracle.


That's true. But WHY would they love me? Because they love me for me? Or because this person made them love me?

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Exactly! I couldn't possibly be with someone knowing that they are with me only because of what someone did.

Part of the reason someone can be so precious to you is because it took you a long time to find them, AND because you've gone through so much together.


Yeah, relationships are only good when they've gone through hell and back and still survived. It'd be so superficial any other way.


Also, I don't really think that anyone actually knows what they want. The perfect guy? I can't actually surmise that! haha. I'd like to find someone who challenged my idea of the perfect guy. Else I'd get bored....

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That's true. But WHY would they love me? Because they love me for me? Or because this person made them love me?


Well.... it IS a hypothetical question afterall haha.... so I guess I'm working on the assumption that this magical being would actually provide a person that WOULD love me for me... not just a love-slave.


If it was the latter, then I'm there with you... no interest in that.


I want a real relationship just like anyone. Simply saying the desire for love, and the value of love and companionship is higher than that of money to me.

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I think love is more important then money for most people. I consider the lack of love in this world the reason why there is so many problems in this world. I would rather have humans change the world through love. if I have money it means I could go to india or cambodia and help create a more sanitary environment.

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I would choose two, take the million bucks, and find my mate on my own. I actually enjoy the searching part, despite the struggles it entails, as it has been one of the formative experiences of my life and continues to make me into a better person. If someone had just dropped the perfect mate in my lap when I was 18, I would be less than half the man I am today.

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Number two, clearly.


The reason is that I don't think there is a perfect partner -- that is, someone you just meed and are 100% perfect in every way, requiring no adjustment, challenge, or effort. A great partner is something that is made, not something that emerges just out of another person's qualities. You need to go through the process of growing the relationship to grow in trust and intimacy, openness and love -- it doesn't happen just because the person is "the perfect partner" off the shelf, so to speak. In fact, someone who seems like the perfect partner on the shelf may not turn out to be that way when you actually try to have a relationship with them. Interpersonal relations are quirky, and the idea that you could have a successful relationship because someone waves a magic wand and produces the "perfect partner" is a significant part of the reason why many people struggle in their interpersonal relationships: there is no perfect partner, there are only good relationships and bad ones.


So based on that, I'd take the $1 million. Not because money is more important than relationships, but because with the $1 million, I know what I am getting, whereas with the "perfect partner" (who is in fact a stranger), I don't.

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It's not an easy choice but I think I would choose the money. Reason is that I would be no worse off than I am now (which isn't that bad) in terms of finding love partners in life.


With a fair amount of money such as that, I could further develop areas in my life that involve inner growth, having some security for my my parents, siblings, helping others in general, etc., in ways I couldn't now. I don't really desire money for frivolous or ego-based reasons, but more practical & "spiritual" based reasons.


As someone else mentioned, if it were a choice between money and never finding love, I would not choose the money.


As yet someone else said, it is all relative as well. If I already had a cool million or more, or if I had rotten luck at love my entire life and didn't see any new hopes developing in that area, then I'd likely choose love.

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I understand love, but I'd still take the money. I'll have better chances at finding love in this lifetime than winning 1million dollars. And if I don't find a life parter, that's okay, I have great parents and friends that love me as I love them. I don't need to find companionship to be happy. I'm in love with the world, and there is so much I can do and see with 1 million dollars...

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