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I dont know what to do.


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Your clearly not over you ex to start with though. My ex was sort of a friend of my ex before him and when we first started to see each other we kept it quiet for a while to see how it went before we went public so as to not hurt his feelings if it wasnt going to work. Just make sure you wouldnt be seeing this new guy for the wrong reasons cos it wouldnt be fair x

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Hi hun


I think you know that if you go out with your ex's mate it is gonna cause a great big stink and it sounds to me like you may be doing this to get back at your ex and make him jealous. If it is - I can tell you it'll just backfire on you.


Nobody says you should sit around waiting forever, but you really need to get over your ex before you embark on anything else. And if you do decide to casually date, I really would make sure it is with someone "new".


Just my two pennys worth.



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This guy is freaking crazy! He makes no sense. I dont think you should go and see him. Why so he could break your heart again?

He wants you around but doesnt want to commit. LOSER !

Asking you why he broke up with you?


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This guy is freaking crazy! He makes no sense. I dont think you should go and see him. Why so he could break your heart again?

He wants you around but doesnt want to commit. LOSER !

Asking you why he broke up with you?



Yeah you are right, he just wants me around i think as he knows he can have me when he wants me, and then drop me whenever he feels like it.

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Yesterday he was on facebook at the same time as me and he never comes on at that time and i never really check who is online but he was as i checked and i started shaking and feeling nervous i do not know why. He took a quiz about how messed up his life was and it said' you have a made a huge mistake' that was his result i know that they are fake and not real but i did want him to think that he did and message me on there but he never, he never even texted or called and he knows i was online. I dont know why he came online as he never normally comes online at that time and he must know that i am always online at that time and wanted to see if i would message him whilst he was online. I was really tempted to but thought no i am doing NC and rememebered what i felt like when he texted me before and i broke NC. I mean i do not know why i felt so nervous when he was online.

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