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Is it ok for your girlfriend to say another guy is hot (To her friends)


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Hey there,


Ok my girl is a great girl, not a big flirt, and is really into me. Its been like 10 months now.


I just dont know if this is normal, or not.


But, I over heard her talking to her friends, and her one friend showed my girl friend and her friends a picture of some guy she wants to date, and my girl friend said "Hes Hot!" go for it "


For some reason I felt strange after that. Is it completely normal for your girl friend to say that?



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Hey there,


Ok my girl is a great girl, not a big flirt, and is really into me. Its been like 10 months now.


I just dont know if this is normal, or not.


But, I over heard her talking to her friends, and her one friend showed my girl friend and her friends a picture of some guy she wants to date, and my girl friend said "Hes Hot!" go for it "


For some reason I felt strange after that. Is it completely normal for your girl friend to say that?




It is perfectly normal..she appreciated the fact that he is "hot"..that doesn't mean that she is interested in him. Lots of people think Brad Pitt is hot or Angelina Jolie is hot...but all the comments are are the appreciation of the way someone looks. It is like anything you might admire in a store window...from admiring to actually buying is two different things.

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I might feel a little jealous, but remember she's with you, and yes this is completely normal. I'd assume this is just normal female chit chat or like having a normal conversation about hot girls with your guy friends.


Maybe this is a little different for you, but it doesn't sound like anything serious. If this became more commonplace with you being made uncomfortable then maybe I'd talk to her about it.

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This is a good question. I'm sure she didn't mean that she was attracted to him, however, it may not be appropriate. It sounds like a mistake I'd make...not sure if it means anything, although it could.

Just talk to her about it and gauge what you think from there. Don't worry too much though.

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Is this a joke? lol, ofcourse it's normal. I hope you understand that there are good looking people out there and it's normal for your girlfriend to be attracted to or thing other guys are good looking and she has a right to express that to her friend. I mean it would definitely be inappropriate if she kept dwelling on the pic and kept talking on how hot they guy is for a while, then yes, that would be wrong but she just gave her friend an opinion, nothing wrong with that at all.

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Lol its completely normal!!


She was giving her friend 'approval' its seriously nothing to worry about. Its a thing all girls do. Sorry lol. We sit and talk about our bf, issues, something romantic you did, that cute thing that happened last night...even if we have bf ourselves, we still look at people and say, oh hes hot. It doesnt mean we will act on it. Its just appreciation. Girls are so close, we will talk about anything.


She said 'hes hot, GO FOR IT' - this means she was shown a pic of a guy her friend liked and asked for her opinion. You really have absolutely nothing to worry about. Im sure you see girls in the street and it crosses your mind that they are attractive ... it doesnt mean you are going to act on that impulse.

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Im pretty sure every woman who says Brad Pitt is hot and didn't have a boyfriend or husband would do Brad Pitt if he put himself out there. And the same goes for Angelina Jolie.


To the OP: If my girlfriend was friends with this guy i'd feel uncomfortable and probably wouldn't let them hangout alone. But im the jealous type.


Like ghost said, she was just trying to pump up her friend into dating him.

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It depends on your relationship and lots on context. If a friend of yours showed you a picture of a girl and you said "she's hot go for it," and the context were identical, would it upset your GF? If not it's normal.


I had to sit at a table once with an ex and some of her work GFs where they were a little buzzed and were going on and on about wanting to F___ one of the guys they worked with because he was so hot, and yes the language was that graphic. My ex was enthusiastically participating in this right in front of my face. I didn't even comment, but was bothered because I felt it was disrespectful to me.


A few days later, this same ex saw a very old picture of me with an extremely attractive female friend at my house, a woman whom I'd never had any sort of thing with other than a casual friendship, and the picture was just us standing together, not displayed out but in a photo book. The questions were relentless, and continued on through our entire relationship, despite the fact that I never said anything about this woman, saw her, spoke to her, etc.


What I'm getting at is that there is a very pronounced double standard with this kind of stuff between BFs and GFs generally. You have to decide when to play it cool, and when something is over the line. IMO, your situation is one of the "play it cool" scenarios. But if the above double standard comes into play down the road, and she starts grilling you about similar things, the door is open for you to remember this kind of stuff and use it to your advantage in making your case.

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Hey there,


Ok my girl is a great girl, not a big flirt, and is really into me. Its been like 10 months now.


I just dont know if this is normal, or not.


But, I over heard her talking to her friends, and her one friend showed my girl friend and her friends a picture of some guy she wants to date, and my girl friend said "Hes Hot!" go for it "


For some reason I felt strange after that. Is it completely normal for your girl friend to say that?




Have you not said that about another girl?


so why would it not be normal for your gf to say it? Im sure she see other attractive men besides you. I think it is completely normal.

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It's normal. I have been married 11 years and love my husband dearly. I have a younger sister that I try to point out hot guys to, since she is still single, and I use the term. I don't think there is a problem with it at all. Afterall, "just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu." right?

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To the OP: If my girlfriend was friends with this guy i'd feel uncomfortable and probably wouldn't let them hangout alone. But im the jealous type.


Why? Im sure that your gf has guyfriends she considers attractive. Why couldn't she be around guys that she thinks are good-looking? And the fact that you wouldn't "LET" her... Ah well, I'm glad I'm not your girlfriend



to OP, yes it's perfectly OK and normal, I'm sure you think other girls are hot and you have probably pointed that out to your buddies? No biggie.

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Why? Im sure that your gf has guyfriends she considers attractive. Why couldn't she be around guys that she thinks are good-looking? And the fact that you wouldn't "LET" her... Ah well, I'm glad I'm not your girlfriend


Well its not like i'd hold her down and physically not "let" her. She can do whatever she wants. She just wouldn't be with me. I'm not stupid. I know she thinks other guys are hot. She just doesn't need to let me or them know that.


If shes telling her guy friends that she thinks they're hot then theres something up there. Why in the hell would there be a need to tell them unless you want that person to make a move on you? I dont need that kind of drama.


Say she didn't tell the friend exactly, but she told me. Why in the hell would she tell me(her boyfriend) that she thinks one of her guy friends is hot unless it were to get me jealous. I don't need that kind of drama either.


Whatever...I didn't say it was right. Its just how I am.


Would you be comfortable with your boyfriend telling one of his friends that shes hot and then going out to the movies with said friend, alone?

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you are still young. you will figure it out someday. there are 'pretty/hot/beautiful' people everywhere in the world. walking down the street, in the bar, at the store, etc. it's how your SO is trusted and you deal with it that makes you strong. if you can't deal with the fact that you can't block the world from someone, you will have a looooong life of troubles.

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Ryan is right. He's not going to block the world from them. Obviously there are attractive people everywhere and one shouldn't be controlling and overly jealous, but I'd have enough tact not to mention that in front of my gf or to tell a girl that she was hot to her face if I was involved with someone.


That's just stupidity. With the way most people are though, I'm sure stupidity is the norm.

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