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Hello everyone. I’m new to the whole ”posting aspect” of ENA, but i’ve been reading posts on and off since about 6 months ago. At that time i was extremely depressed, and thought alot about suicide. I accidently stumbled upon ENA, by randomly typing “alone” into google. I was very surprised to find people, who told stories which resembled my own situation, and whom apparently viewed the world somewhat like myself.

I instantly turned to the suicide forum to see if anybody else was going through the same as myself, and found that a lot of the posters had the same emotions as i did, they had just been brought out by different situations. It gave me peace to know that i at least wasn’t completely alone. I thought about posting a few times, but i didn’t because the more posts i read the smaller and more insignificant my own problems seemed. It would probably have helped me alot more if i had posted, but the idea that people knew about my personal problems was kinda scary. Instead i chose to rely on my family for support. They helped me the best they could, and i am eternally grateful that i have people in my life who cares about me, they really are the reason im still here.

Okay im not really sure what im trying to say here, but i guess i just wanted to tell you a bit about myself and say thanks to all you posters on ENA, not for having problems (that didn’t come out right.) but for posting and sharing your concerns, and for keeping a pleasant atmosphere when talking to each other. Thank you again, you’ve helped me more then you realize.


The reason im posting this in the "Personal Growth" section, is the very fact that im ACTUALLY posting. For me thats a huge step forward. Also because im not really looking for any advice (at the moment anyway).


P.s. please excuse any grammatical errors. English isn't my first language.

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Well welcome to posting and congrats on your growth as a person. I wish you all the best and true strength for the journey ahead. You will find wonderful support here at ENA. It is truly special to find people who understand and know what you are going through.


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