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Im not a bad person, but what I did was horrible!

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I never go around thinking I want to hurt someone today, Ive tried to be as nice as possible, even if I have to act fake, however today was the worst day!


Im doing a group assignment with a few friends which Im not really that close with because I know they lie to me and they probably talk behind my back, anyway, they didnt know how to do a section of the assignment so I said i'l do it after work. I finished work at 11pm and did the section until 5am. The next day at uni I found out they did it and didnt tell me!! I was fuming! I broke down in the middle of class. So naturally I sent my sister a ranting text saying how angry I am and how horrible the girls are and I plan not to talk to them once the assignment is done..but I accidntly sent it to one of the girls!!


Now they arnt talking to me, they said they will submit the assignment with my name added, but I decided to submit my own aswell just in case and I'l let the teacher know.


The thing is I feel pretty bad, I aplogised but I dont think it made a difference, Its going to be akward when I see them!! Am I supposed to ignore them??

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The thing is I feel pretty bad, I aplogised but I dont think it made a difference, Its going to be akward when I see them!! Am I supposed to ignore them??


Yes, I think it's better to ignore them. They haven't treated you with respect. You did react in a way that was a bit too emotional but you are not a bad person.

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Thanks, you made me feel alittle better, however I still feel bad. I know I wasnt treated well by them and that I made a huge mistake that I regret. I think I will ignore them from now on. Im nervous about the assignment thou, Im not sure if they will write my name on the assignment and I only have half of it with me. Im trying to complete it all and hand it in separately, just in case. I'l also talk to the teacher explaining the siutation and hopefully she will understand. Im scared this is going to cause me to fail.

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I don't see what was so horrible about what you did. You were understandably upset and accidentally sent a message to the wrong person. Who cares? They did something behind your back so you shouldn't worry too much about whether your (normal) angry reaction is hurting them. From what you wrote they don't sound like very good friends anyway.

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Seriously what YOU did was not horrible, what THEY did was horrible IMO.

If I were you I would go and talk to the teacher and explain the situation and also hand in the half you've already done just in case. What they did was very sneaky and unkind and so what if you sent them the text that was meant for your sister? they know they are in the wrong and just because you may have said something harsh in the heat of the moment about them it doesn't mean they can turn the situation around and make you look like the bad guy. In future stay away from people like them.

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I just finished the assignment, I did the parts that they were supposed to send me but didnt. Thanks for the support guys, I feel much better I'l track down the teacher tomorrow and talk to her. I hope she'l understand. If not I'l have to take further actions so I wont fail the unit.


I guess your all right, I shouldnt worry about it because its not really worth it! Cant believe something so childish can happen with people in their 20s! Its so pathetic!

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