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help please...

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well she decided it was over.... she said she would take time to think it over before her final decision.. and tonight she said its over...


she said she didnt want a relationship and wasnt ready for it...


she said i was the one she loved, her best friend and stil the only one with her heart.... and all that stuff



this was after 3 years



when she told me she wasnt ready for a relationship, she sed that when she is, she wants it to be with me....



she sed she believes we will be together in the future.... and yeah....


i dont know


i need help to get over her




this is seriously killing me




and it just sucks cause it was a serious relationship 3 years... and i put off friends and other girls i knew as we got more and mroe serious, so even thats hard to come accross....


i need to feel better =/

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I'm sorry!!!! I understand where you're at.


I don't understand how she cannot be ready for a relationship after 3 years???? My personal favorite is when then tell us how perfect we are and how much they love us, if that's the case, then why don't they want to be with us??? Don't believe it for a moment!!!


Been there and done it, now I've moved on. I hope you're also able to do the same.

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like she was ready for one than


just alotta stress lately on us cuza college.... causin alotta fights.... she said she cant rlyl handle them... and needs some time alone.... but doesnt know how long it will take.... but a soon as shes rdy wants to be with me.... i mean id love to be with her, more than anything... she is my one....


but i need to get over this =/

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Like I said, I know how you feel.


Please don't wait for her to try and make up her mind, I did and wasted some precious time. I know you've read repeatedly about NC on this site but it actually is very helpful in seeing thing in a clearer perspective. Perhaps, w/o the presense of you in her life she will come to her senses and recognize how important you are, if not, you will get eventually get yourself back and maintain your self respect.

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yeah on the getting back togetehr boards i posted that after a day of doin Nc.. she called me that same night... "just to talk"... and was wondering how come i didnt wanna talk... and she started crying... and i caved in.. i told her its not that i dont wanna talk.. im just tryin to respect the fact that u want space... and its not that im happier with out you... just yeah...


but i dont know how to really take this... cuz i know her really damn well better than anyone... shes real to her word... if she says she wants to be together when she ready for a relationship.. she does.... if she didnt.. she would flat out say it...



but like you said i cant just wait around... but at the time i do wanna let her know shes still in my life until than... and yeah...

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