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I do! I do! Everyone always complains about it, you're right! I got to be on jury duty once and loved it. I'd Love Love Love to do it again. Although I always worry that if I was called, I'd have read too many news articles already and be eliminated because of that.

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I've been a juror twice and summoned four times and I think its a great system! I think most people don't like it because they have to pay attention to something challenging, but if you take your civil duties seriously, its a really important part of being a citizen. It's really an honor.

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I'm trying to get out of jury duty because it takes away from work, school and my travel plans for the summer. I am busy and a civil case does not interest me. My friend was on a jury and it was between 2 women who owned a business together and one thought she wasn't paid enough. That's kind of jury is a waste of my time. Whereas a criminal jury would be interesting, but I couldn't convict anyone is the death penalty was on the table.

I was unemployed for 5 months, I don't know why they don't let unemployed people volunteers for jury duty.

Busy people tend to want out of jury duty.

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How come been summoned 4 times and only a juror twice? do you sort of have to audition for it?


In the US, they usually summon several (sometimes hundreds if a huge case that's in the media.) Next step is to be asked questions by both the prosecutor and attorneys. They let some people go home due to them not fitting their "ideal" juror for the case. Only 12 get to stay. And 2 alternates. (Are those numbers right guys? I think so.)

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I think people try to get out of jury duty because it can be traumatic. I've seen jurors on television talk about how they needed therapy after sitting through trials, due to the nature of the crime.


Also, because people don't get paid much. Some people have been fired due to sitting on a jury, because their employers felt they were missing too many days from work.

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People have work and school. If you get paid by the hour or something, it's not really worth it to miss several days to do jury duty, if you're not getting compensated. Also, missing several days of classes or even exams is obviously costly in many ways.

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My bf had to do jury duty, and he's a lawyer! I hate jury duty because my boss does not pay for jury duty and I lose money. One time, I lost four days work waiting to be sitted on a jury, (I wasn't), I almost lost my apartment for it. My bf says this country's jury system is deepley flawed because most of the people there do not want to be and often, for that reason, do not really pay attention to what is going on or vent their anger at either the defendant or the plaintiff. He HATES trying a case in front of a jury! All of his lawyer friends hate it, also. I know a judge that was called! When attorneys and judges feel that way, something is definitely wrong.

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Most States have laws where employers can't fire an employee for jury duty.


That's probably true. Maybe things have changed. But I saw a segment years ago on 20/20 about jury duty, and a guy got fired due to jury duty making him miss work.

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