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Isn't the birth control pill enough?


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STDs aren't in question... I'm wondering about birth control ONLY.





My bf says the pill isn't totally effective... so we should use condoms (non latex kind because i'm allergic to latex). I've always been under the impression that birth control was the safest form. I heard of several people getting pregnant while on the pill though.. that scares me.




we're not going to have sex anytime soon, just wondering what are our options.

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If you use the pill 100% correctly 100% of the chance, there is like a .01% chance that may get pregnant (I believe). If you miss pills or take them erratically, etc, you increase your chances of getting pregnant. That is the same for the pill, nuva ring, mirena, etc etc. I think even having your tubes tied has a fraction of a percentage as well.


Smart idea to use condoms as well. Just in case.

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I agree with the others. The whole "I fell pregnant even though I was on the Pill" story is misrepresented I think. I'm sure it happens, but of people taking the Pill as it was intended, it would happen only a tiny percentage of the time. You could be in that 0.1% or 0.01% (or whatever it is) however, so condoms as well could cover that.


But if we covered ourselves totally for every 0.01% chance of something bad happening I wonder if we would ever do anything - if condoms turn out to not be your thing and you feel (a) you can take the Pill responsibly and (b) you and your boyfriend should have no STD concerns, then I would not worry too much about condoms as well as birth control.


Each to their own though - how about checking out the official statistics re unwanted pregnancies while on the Pill, have a solid think about the trust factor re STDs, and maybe have a chat with a doctor about what can meet your concerns and suit your circumstances.

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Yes, that's the thing. Even if the chance of pregnancy on the Pill is very, very small, the consequences can be very, very big. Whatever you do you should get your boyfriend's total buy-in, and be well armed with the facts.

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It's true that the birth control pill isn't 100% effective and it's totally smart of your boyfriend to know that. Off the top of my head I can think of atleast 5 people I know who have gotten pregnant while on the pill. For the pill to be most effective it's got to be taken everyday at the same time (pretty inconvenient, huh?). If you and your boyf do have sex using a condom would be the best way to go. I'll be honest though, I've been on the pill for 2 years now and I've been having sex with my boyfriend the entire time, used a condom a total of once, and not gotten pregnant. In the end its up to you. Using condoms will probably make you feel a little safer too.

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For example, many people don't know that antibiotics can affect the pill's effectiveness....


Yes, every time I was on the Pill and took antibiotics we made sure to be extra careful with condoms for the two weeks from the start of the medication. I have found different doctors have different views on this though.


The Pill will also be less effective if you are not absorbing it properly, say you are throwing up for example.

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I think your boyfriend is being very smart. The pill is very effective yes, but I personally wouldn't rely on it as my one and only method if i really, really really do not want a kid right now. First of all, you'd might be paranoid some months that you are pregnant. Using a condom will pretty much leave you feeling great as the chances of pregnancy will be pretty much none, compared to the pill alone. If he feels better using the condoms though, i'd definitely let him because it'll make him feel more comfortable and less nervous. It beats the heck out of worrying.

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It's true that the birth control pill isn't 100% effective and it's totally smart of your boyfriend to know that. Off the top of my head I can think of atleast 5 people I know who have gotten pregnant while on the pill. For the pill to be most effective it's got to be taken everyday at the same time (pretty inconvenient, huh?). If you and your boyf do have sex using a condom would be the best way to go. I'll be honest though, I've been on the pill for 2 years now and I've been having sex with my boyfriend the entire time, used a condom a total of once, and not gotten pregnant. In the end its up to you. Using condoms will probably make you feel a little safer too.


I also heard that the pill regulates your cycle so much...that pregnancy does have a higher chance of happening when you don't take it right. I know 2 people who were trying to concieve and their gyno's put them on birth control for a few months to regulate their cycles. They got pregnant within a few months of those treatments (after going off the pill of course).

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I wouldn’t take the pill if I were you.


There are many problems with the pill. It contains powerful steroids and is an artificial hormone. It’s made in a lab and does not match the human genetic make-up. This is a huge stress to the body and can cause many physiological imbalances and hormone issues. It depletes vital nutrients and without those vital nutrients you can never be healthy, unless you stop the pill and do a proper recover.


Use condoms, nothing is 100% (accept from.... just say no) but it would be far more better then to go on the pill.

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Personal experience.....I'd bee on the bcpill for almost 10 yrs...I took it at the same time every day...I got pregnant twice. Both miscarriages.........unless he's your hubby or you're prepared to possibly get pregnant, then have him wear a jimmy....wrap it up!

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I wouldn’t take the pill if I were you.


There are many problems with the pill. It contains powerful steroids and is an artificial hormone. It’s made in a lab and does not match the human genetic make-up. This is a huge stress to the body and can cause many physiological imbalances and hormone issues. It depletes vital nutrients and without those vital nutrients you can never be healthy, unless you stop the pill and do a proper recover.


Use condoms, nothing is 100% (accept from.... just say no) but it would be far more better then to go on the pill.



I really think you might want to do alot more research on birth control. Some of the things you are saying is way out there. Yes, birth control isn't exactly the "healthiest" however neither is getting pregnant time and time again and either giving birth or having abortions. There's too much trial and error just depending on condoms alone and unless someone is prepared to get pregnant they need to use more than 1 form of birth control.

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I agree with the notion that you can still get pregnant while on the pill.


Being the man, you don't know when your S.O. is taking the pill, thereforeeee it is smart to take it into your own hands and wear a condom. Have you discussed the option of just using a condom? Does she need the pill for hormone replacement?


About condoms.. this may or may not help. From personal experience I find that condoms make cleanup easier. I am allergic too and I find the polyurethane condoms are expensive but hey, it reduces the chance of pregnancy. I also find I last longer during sex if I use a condom, which means more happiness for the lady. Not sure if that will help you look at the positive side of condoms, but there it is.

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Go to a GUM clinic and ask for the injection form. You only have to have it once every 3 months and since you have appointments it's kind of hard to forget it!


My gf takes and and we don't use a condom. My gf says she doesn't feel any side effects emotionally.


The great bonus is that you don't have any periods, although some spotting is very common.

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That's a VERY smart idea... I've been on the pill over 3 years and I still don't trust it completely. To be honest, I would only imagine the pill's effectiveness (in my case) to be around 90%. That's what I imagine it to be, with my occasional indigestion and taking the pill 4 hours late once in a while (which is not said to reduce its effectiveness, but still I am skeptical), etc. So the bf and I use condoms EVERY single time. They're not that bad, get the ultra-thin ones.

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