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question about lies and lying


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I have a question about lies



Ok me and my ex broke up awhile ago now.


Im doing better not 100% but it is a slow process.


I never realized the emmotional toll and all the feelings one goes through with something like this. It is crazy what a person has to deal with going through a break up.


Anyways, I have a question.


Through a non direct conversation I found out that my ex when talking to other people would straight up lie about facts and things from our relationship.


She would lie about things that happened in certain time frames

IE: she claimed we broke up over 10 months ag and she hasn't had sex since that time.


THIS IS BS we broke up like 3 months ago and we just had sex a few months ago.


Why lie about that?


Also she lied about things I said or things that she said.


She even made up stuff or twisted things I said or did or twisted the things she said or did.


So Iam wondering why would an ex lie about things like this???


Is it cause they KNOW that THEY are wrong and just want to convince themselves and whoever they talk to that they are not to blame??


I mean I can sit back now and come out and admit the things I did wrong. I don't try and twist or distort the truth.


So what it it?


Do they actualy believe these lie they come up with?


Or do they know they are lying just to make themselves feel better?


Im wondering because if my ex actualy believes what she is saying then she will never understand aything I ever did in the relationship was all to make things better and that makes me sad to think that she will never see that all I wanted to do was love her and make things better.


If she doesn't and deep in her heart knows what is the TRUTH then why is she lying like that?


Why can't she just admit she was to blame to and think about fixing things instead of trying to get out of this like she was the innocent victim?

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Just leave your ex be. If this is the way she wants to present herself after a break up, you know that you're way better off without her. She probably wants sympathy, and getting it through lying is despicable.


As for you, try not to listen to any more news about your ex. It'll make you feel hurt all over again. Easier said than done, I know.

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I have a question about lies



Ok me and my ex broke up awhile ago now.


Im doing better not 100% but it is a slow process.


So Iam wondering why would an ex lie about things like this???


Is it cause they KNOW that THEY are wrong and just want to convince themselves and whoever they talk to that they are not to blame??


Why can't she just admit she was to blame to and think about fixing things instead of trying to get out of this like she was the innocent victim?


In bold i believe is the case but i agree with the above poster. She is an ex, leave her be in her vindictive ways. It will come around to bite her in the butt. Just move on with your life.

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See thats messed up.


I never had an ex that acted like this.


I mean it seems as though she will not take any blame for anything although she said to me at one time we were both to blame.


Would never talk about anything even if I asked her to.


She avoided the subject like the plague.


So my only conclussion is she is foolingherself into thinking she is innocent


Is that a common thing to do???


Do they ever come to realize they were wrong?

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My ex. . . . . is Mr. Perfect. He does no wrong to anyone else. Everyone screws him over.


Yeah right. Not reality but I believe he was raised to believe he does no wrong. He is incapable of taking responsibility for things that don't work out. He's incapable of discussing the truth of the situation to others. He's very good at making others seem psychotic or irrational (if the person he's talking to doesn't know any better.) I seen it first hand while we were together - with the way he talked about his ex (daughters mom.) Through the split, he pointed out many things and twisted so much to make it seem like I had too high of expectations for him and was always looking for someone better (more money or whatever.)


Soooo - No, you're ex may never admit guilt outwardly. She may not even admit guilt to herself. But you know the truth. You know what happened. And that is what is most important.

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Well the thing is, I just wonder just the way that Iam am I missing something??


I mean there is always 2 sides to the story and I justhope that I didn't do anything bad.


I mean sure I wasn't perfect but nowhere near like her.

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