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abusive bf..... hurt my dog


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I'd report him to the animal people and have him arrested.


I think you would need proof in order to do that. It is his word against hers...even the friend's word won't hold much water since he has been making passes at her...he can twist everything around. I would dump the guy and dump the "friend". What a sick individual.

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i have seen my boyfriend start fights with many people. he likes to walk by and hit people in the head. my friend also just told that she had seen him hitting my dog in the head before. he's never yelled at me or threatened to hit me or anything like that. but i kinda wish he would of hit me instead of my dog.


He is just a pathetic bully!! I wouldnt dream of leaving my pet with him,but then again i wouldnt dream of dating scum like this!


I love to see people like him get their just deserts,i hope he does. Im sure he will pick on someone one day who will batter him senseless!!! Oh i forgot he already is senseless!!!..

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i don't know if he has ever hit his son. but he says he fights and that he ruins people lives.


Even if he has never hit his son, the fact that he would tell you the part that I bolded above means there is clearly something wrong wtih him -- and even he knows it.


Aside from animal abuse being totally heinous and appalling, people who abuse animals generally are the type to abuse people as well. I mean, if someone would hit a dog, a living thing that is incapable of any sort of malice or wrongdoing, how is he going to stop himself from hitting someone who has said or done something that really upsets him?


Honestly, if you know for sure that he hit your dog (and I doubt his son would lie) not only should you leave him, but you should report him to the police. Animal abuse can be a felony, depending on where you are and what sort of violence was perpetrated on the animal.


And, even if you don't know for sure and don't think you can take the step to report him to the police, you should still break up with him. As I said earlier, he's told you he ruins peoples' lives. Believe him.

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i have seen my boyfriend start fights with many people. he likes to walk by and hit people in the head. my friend also just told that she had seen him hitting my dog in the head before. he's never yelled at me or threatened to hit me or anything like that. but i kinda wish he would of hit me instead of my dog.


Ok, first of all, if he truly does the thing I bolded above, walking by people and HITTING THEM IN THE HEAD, he BELONGS IN JAIL.


Secondly, the last part, about you wishing he'd hit YOU instead of the dog??? It is very sad that you are telling yourself it has to be one or the other, when in fact, it need not be EITHER.


I think you really need to think long and hard about why you would stay with someone who hits ANYONE -- person, animal, whatever. If you stay with him, I think that very shortly, you'll get your wish. He will hit you, most definitely.


Honestly, if I knew who you were and where you lived, I'd call the police on this guy right now. It's lucky for him that these forums are anonymous.

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Secondly, the last part, about you wishing he'd hit YOU instead of the dog??? It is very sad that you are telling yourself it has to be one or the other, when in fact, it need not be EITHER.



Eh I can kind of see where she'd say that--I think it's just a matter of a figure of speech, so to speak, not saying she wants to get beat by him. I have always said if someone were to break into my house, I'd let them take anything they want as long as they leave my dog alone. So I can see why she'd say that.


I agree though, BEG--he should not be hitting ANYTHING! Person, animal, wall, etc. You have to get rid of him DS. He's not good for you or anyone for that matter.

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hi new person here. i discovered that i have a really abusive boyfriend. i had him watch my dog for me over the weekend. when he brought my dog back my dog looked fine. after a little while i noticed that my dog was walking funny and couldn't get up on the couch or my bed like she use to do.

i didn't want to suspect my boyfriend of hitting my dog. i didn't want to believe he would do something like that. animals are helpless and why would he do something like that. i found out from his son that he did punch my dog several times. i don't know what to do know but i want him to be responsible for what he did. i haven't even confronted my bf about it yet. this whole thing just makes me sick.


i don't know if he has ever hit his son. but he says he fights and that he ruins people lives.


i have seen my boyfriend start fights with many people. he likes to walk by and hit people in the head. my friend also just told that she had seen him hitting my dog in the head before. he's never yelled at me or threatened to hit me or anything like that. but i kinda wish he would of hit me instead of my dog.


at first i thought it might of been his son who did it. but my friend said she had seen my boyfriend hit my dog before. i am taking my dog to the vet and make sure she is ok. i think she has something wrong with her hips.


this all just happened last weekend. i'm not seeing him anymore and i'm kinda afraid when i break up with him that he might get pissed. it did take me awhile to figure out that my dog was hurt because she really didn't act like it until she couldn't jump up on the bed.


i asked my friend why she didn't tell me and she said she was afraid i would get mad at her. she also told me that my bf has been trying to have sex with her behind my back.


For all the reasons above, you should leave. Cut ties with this guy once and for all. You need to protect yourself. I hope your dog is okay - its horrible that someone you trusted would do something like that. Leave and find someone who deserves you.

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hi new person here. i discovered that i have a really abusive boyfriend. i had him watch my dog for me over the weekend. when he brought my dog back my dog looked fine. after a little while i noticed that my dog was walking funny and couldn't get up on the couch or my bed like she use to do.

i didn't want to suspect my boyfriend of hitting my dog. i didn't want to believe he would do something like that. animals are helpless and why would he do something like that. i found out from his son that he did punch my dog several times. i don't know what to do know but i want him to be responsible for what he did. i haven't even confronted my bf about it yet. this whole thing just makes me sick.


Give that bf to me and I will teach him a good lesson...punching a dog....NOT GOOD!!!!

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I am curious to know if anything new has developed with your boyfriend (hopefully ex-boyfriend) and your dog. I've got to admit that reading this makes me furious and I was hoping you'd give an update saying you left the d bag guy that would hurt a dog.


Hurting a dog is something that seems so absurdly awful to me that I can't imagine how I would react if someone hurt my dog. I'm pretty sure my dog has already been abused by someone before I was lucky enough to get him. He is timid of people when he first meets them and if a stranger moves their hands or feet rapidly around him he acts as if he thinks he's going to be punched or kicked. I completely understand when you wish he hit you and not the dog. If I knew someone hurt my dog intentionally I would have a hard time not hunting them down and breaking their neck.


I hope you've left this idiot and that you are now safe from the potential he has to harm both you and your dog.

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I'm sorry to hear this has happened - I can't think of anything worse, than to hurt a poor defenceless animal on the basis that he wants to take his anger out on something which wouldn't understand what it had done to deserve being hurt like that.


I agree with all of the other people who have replied to your post - get rid of him. If he can hurt a dog like that, he can hurt a child and obviously has some serious issues to sort out.

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I'm gonna bite my tongue on this one before the mods ban me


Please, please, I speak for your puppy, please leave him. I will never ever tolertate anyone who abuses animal, ever. I don't need to reiterate all the advise given her but for the puppy sake, leave him.

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hi new person here. i discovered that i have a really abusive boyfriend. i had him watch my dog for me over the weekend. when he brought my dog back my dog looked fine. after a little while i noticed that my dog was walking funny and couldn't get up on the couch or my bed like she use to do.

i didn't want to suspect my boyfriend of hitting my dog. i didn't want to believe he would do something like that. animals are helpless and why would he do something like that. i found out from his son that he did punch my dog several times. i don't know what to do know but i want him to be responsible for what he did. i haven't even confronted my bf about it yet. this whole thing just makes me sick.


WHAT? he punched your dog several times?


OMG that would be a DEAL BREAKER FOR ME!


He'd be out the door and history! There is no excuse for this. You put the dog in his care. A dog is like a child in that it depends on the kindness of the adults who care for him to take care of him properly.


He needs the snot knocked out of him and i surely would not be able to stay with a man who hurt my dog.

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