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abusive bf..... hurt my dog


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hi new person here. i discovered that i have a really abusive boyfriend. i had him watch my dog for me over the weekend. when he brought my dog back my dog looked fine. after a little while i noticed that my dog was walking funny and couldn't get up on the couch or my bed like she use to do.

i didn't want to suspect my boyfriend of hitting my dog. i didn't want to believe he would do something like that. animals are helpless and why would he do something like that. i found out from his son that he did punch my dog several times. i don't know what to do know but i want him to be responsible for what he did. i haven't even confronted my bf about it yet. this whole thing just makes me sick.

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oo... abusing animals is a massive red flag!

animal abuse is one of the top charachteristics of murderers and abusers.

it shows he has no problem with harming things that in a sense can't defend themselves.

this is really unsettling..

has he ever hit his son?

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hi new person here. i discovered that i have a really abusive boyfriend. i had him watch my dog for me over the weekend. when he brought my dog back my dog looked fine. after a little while i noticed that my dog was walking funny and couldn't get up on the couch or my bed like she use to do.

i didn't want to suspect my boyfriend of hitting my dog. i didn't want to believe he would do something like that. animals are helpless and why would he do something like that. i found out from his son that he did punch my dog several times. i don't know what to do know but i want him to be responsible for what he did. i haven't even confronted my bf about it yet. this whole thing just makes me sick.


Wow, dump his butt! Who punches a dog?! SERIOUSLY?


I'd take your pup to the vet to make sure your bf didn't break any ribs or cause any internal bleeding. If he did, I'd take him to small claims court.

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. i don't know what to do know but i want him to be responsible for what he did. i haven't even confronted my bf about it yet. this whole thing just makes me sick.


Hi and welcome to enotalone.


This is a very serious and very dangerous situation. You need to leave him ASAP. Anyone who would hurt an animal can easily hurt a person, and even a child. This is not someone to spend your future with. Not to mention, your dog should never have to withstand being around him again. That is so very sad.


Has he ever acted abusive toward you?


From your post ,it sounds like you do not live together- that is a very good thing. You need to get out of this relationship right away.

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I would dump him immediately. I'd be careful about how you go about it though, if he knows you're aware that he abused your dog, he may take his anger out on his son. On the other hand, if your dog has any vet bills that you'll want him to pay, it will be difficult not to tell him. A tricky situation.


Out of curiosity, how long have you been seeing this man and how old is his son? Who told you he fights and ruins people's lives, the son or the father. Are you one hundred percent sure that it wasn't the son that may have abused your dog?


Give your pooch a big hug for me

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Hi dirtysocks


What a disgusting individual - what an awful excuse of a human being.


Get away and stay away from him hun. I hope your dog is gonna be ok. Have you taken her to the vets? If you haven't - you must do as soon as possible.


Crikey - I have heard of some rotten bastards on here but he taked the bisquit.


Please promise me you are going to dump him because if you don't, you will be his next punch bag.



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I can't imagine being in this situation. I left my dog with my ex so many times when I'd go out of town when he and I were together, and my dog was always happier with him than with me b/c he loved my dog so much. I can't fathom what you must be feeling.


But I agree with everyone else--the warning signs are there. Who says he ruins lives without having a reason to say that? YOu need to get out. He's giving you plenty of room to get out with statements like that, and don't stay with him now that he's hurt your dog.

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How disturbing.......He acknowledges that he ruins lives so he obviously knows that he has issues. This is not a relationship that you should stay in. It has disaster written all over it. He knowingly hurt an animal in front of his son. He is basically telling his son that it is ok to harm other living things.


A majority of books that I have read on killers often started with them abusing animals first.

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i have seen my boyfriend start fights with many people. he likes to walk by and hit people in the head. my friend also just told that she had seen him hitting my dog in the head before. he's never yelled at me or threatened to hit me or anything like that. but i kinda wish he would of hit me instead of my dog.

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i have seen my boyfriend start fights with many people. he likes to walk by and hit people in the head. my friend also just told that she had seen him hitting my dog in the head before. he's never yelled at me or threatened to hit me or anything like that. but i kinda wish he would of hit me instead of my dog.


?? why are you with him??

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at first i thought it might of been his son who did it. but my friend said she had seen my boyfriend hit my dog before. i am taking my dog to the vet and make sure she is ok. i think she has something wrong with her hips.

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but my friend said she had seen my boyfriend hit my dog before


So pretty much all of the evidence from many sources (including his own words) points to him being, violent, abusive, and sadistic. What are you going to do about this, aside from taking to dog to the vet?


Are you planning to stay with him after this?

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this all just happened last weekend. i'm not seeing him anymore and i'm kinda afraid when i break up with him that he might get pissed. it did take me awhile to figure out that my dog was hurt because she really didn't act like it until she couldn't jump up on the bed.

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i have seen my boyfriend start fights with many people. he likes to walk by and hit people in the head. my friend also just told that she had seen him hitting my dog in the head before. he's never yelled at me or threatened to hit me or anything like that. but i kinda wish he would of hit me instead of my dog.


If you stay with this man, this will eventually become a reality. Aside from the fact that he will probably abuse you in time, he has hurt your pet, this is unforgivable and you need no other reason to end the relationship immediately.

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i asked my friend why she didn't tell me and she said she was afraid i would get mad at her. she also told me that my bf has been trying to have sex with her behind my back.


All the more reason why you should cut ties with her too.


That's 2 strikes........She knew he had abused your dog. He has been making passes at her and she hasn't said a word about it.


Utterly ridiculous...

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if you dont get out he will hurt you.

the part that is worrying me is that you don't seem to worried about it.

Rather you are already in fear of him if you do something to 'make him angry' this is where the cycle of abuse is cultivated. Please do not think this way, you are building your own prison cell!

Please get out now!

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