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Of love, jealousy and faith.

Taking The Lead

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It's a difficult concept to grasp when one thinks of love. Is it an invisible bond that brings two humans together? Maybe something deeper, more powerful. Perhaps there is no such thing as love, only a natural drive towards passing our seeds onto the next generation.

In some religions they value more then one 'lover' and in others no more then one. Why then do they hold loyalty in such high regard? A kiss here or there to any other person but their 'lover' is a crime, sin, a grounds for dismissal and termination of the relationship. It causes some great greif and others depression. Even in relationships with more then one 'lover' they remain jealous of the other. Wanting some sense of control over the other, retaining none.

And finally there's faith. What little faith people have in each other. It's as if they've turned tails on one another and turned their backs on the same society that binds us all together. Faithlessness leads to jealousness leads to nothingness. A broken heart is worth much more then a heart that has never loved at all. Have faith, trust in one another. Keep not your heart close, but your mind high.

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Faithlessness leads to jealousness leads to nothingness. A broken heart is worth much more then a heart that has never loved at all. Have faith, trust in one another. Keep not your heart close, but your mind high.


Your post made me think of the Eightfold Path, practiced in the Buddhist faith:

Right thoughts = Right views = Right Speech = Right Conduct =Right Livelihood = Right Effort = Right Mindfulness = Right Meditation


I consider this and I think that what gets people in trouble with unfaithfulness and a loveless life is having thier mindset, well, in the WRONG. It is hard to figure out what is right when society embraces so many false concepts. If a person keeps their mind towards a higher purpose, it will mean a more meaningful life.

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