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Okay one of my exes... me and her broke up 1yr ago... we went out for 1.5yrs.. we have been in contact ever since we broke up... i tried getting her back for the first 4months of that.. we hooked up for the first 6months... now we are friends... i tell her about the girls in my life... she tells me about the guys in hers... we meet for lunch once in a while... but lately i have been thinking i dont even know if i wanna be friends with her... why should i be friends with her... she is a good person... but i just dont know anymore.. any advice with be appricated...

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How do you just decide you don't want to be friends with someone? Did she do something you didn't like? If you've been friends this long without a problem, I'd say its strange just breaking up the friendship.

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I personally don't think there's anything wrong in being friends with an ex. I am good friends with one of my ex-bf. Being friends shouldn't be an issue if both the people concerned have moved on.

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If one party has not moved on, then it would not be to that person's benefit to remain friends with an ex who has moved on. The wound would continue to reopen.


If you still feel hurt around her or can't listen to her talking about the guys in her life, then it would be better to let her go slowly, stop contacting her, turn down engagements, etc.

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My ex broke up with me 2 weeks ago and i didnt contact him for a week of that, he then texted me and i phoned him and he wants to be mates and meet next week. It will be difficult for me as i have not moved on and healed so it is not best to be mates if you have not moved on as it will drag the pain out longer and that is why you need to go NC, so many people have told me to do this and i think i am as you just cannot be friends if you have not moved on

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It really depends. I'm really good friends with some exes and refuse to speak with others.


If it was a good relationship, no bad blood between us, etc., then we remained good friends.


If it was a bad relationship and/or bad blood spilled between us and/or I felt very wronged, then we are not friends.


Question...do you still like her? Do you want to date her again?

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