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why do i keep dreaming of him.


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i know its been a while folks. but this guy who is 38 and who i used to work with keeps appearing in my dreams. i felt very strongly about him.he left and we said goodbye and he hugged me.it seemed like he didnt want to let go. not a day goes by in the last 6 months that i havent thought of him.im always thinking and wondering about him.where he is and what he is doing.i keep dreaming of him.why do you think?should i call him?need opinions please

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Often people have dreams they cannot explain. Often people hug for longer than the person being hugged thinks is "typical" just like some people have a harder or longer handshake than others. Since you have a crush on him, you are reading into the dreams and the hug and trying to "analyze" it in such a way to reveal that he might be thinking of you too. That can be fun but getting too focused on that type of analysis isn't a great idea. I would analyze it as you wanted someone who wasn't available to you as far as dating (he never asked you out) and that is intriguing to you so he keeps showing up in your dreams.


If you must "analyze" it how about that this is a sign that you want someone in your life and take action in real life to help that happen rather than pining away for someone who is not available to you?

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The problem here is that what her gut tells her likely will be confused by what her dreams "tell her" - that is what she thinks they tell her. I also don't believe in "following your gut" by making a call or initiating a conversation just because that's what your gut tells you to do - you balance that feeling with what's in your best interest overall and in his best interest. Here, he never asked her out when they worked together and more importantly he never tried to contact her after she left. I would balance that - his silence - against any "urge" to call based on a dream and a friendly hug.

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