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Hi everyone, I am new here and just wanted all of you to know that I find it so comforting to be around wonderful people like you guys who is sharing their own experiences to everyone and tries to help others who have similar problems.


I too am going through the 1/3 life dilemma. Here is my problem. I'm turning 30 and totally hate the direction of my life. I always feel that I should be marry by now, have decent amount of friends, and doing a job I love. Yet, none of that happens because I am antisocial. I don't talked much because I can't think of interesting to say. I always shy away from girls and never keep in touch with old friends. Stuck in a job I hate because its soo boring. I am now on antidepressant pill. I drink occasionally to forget the pain of loneliness. I tried the online dating but have almost no luck. I am thinking of going back to school to take art and speech class to meet new people. I really wanted to change my life before it pass me by. Well that's me. I just wanted to introduce myself and get some moral support.

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Sounds like you have a good plan to change your life around. It is never too late to change. You also might want to start figuring out what jobs might interest you and then go out and do an exhaustive job hunt to see if you can land a better job. The interview process may also help you come out of your shell.

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Brother?? Is that you??


I am very much an antisocial style introvert as you describe yourself. In that sense you are definitely not alone!!! Kudos to you if you actually take to plunge to go back to school. That is a great place to be around others with similar interests to help work on your communication skills. I avoided people like the plague when I was getting my degree and that's the one major regret that I have.


Good luck to you. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat.

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