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I have a whole new problem


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My ex & I haven't talked for 10 days - I broke NC on Saturday & got no reply....and am so kicking myself for it, the desperation just overcame me.


Anyway, the day before the split he had upgraded my computer & now I am missing files I need for work. I know he has copies. I don't know what to do. I want to respect his wishes for NC & although I really miss him & hurt so badly & feel so alone, etc...i really don't want to see or talk to him right now.


I can probably go another week before I really need them, geez...I don't know how to handle this. I am so damn emotional today. I wish there were a mutual friend that could just get it fixed for me, but there isn't.


Any suggestions?

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Well you can just have one of your friends do you the favor. have your friend call him and ask him to mail a copy to you. Also, you can have your friend tell him the reason your doing this is because you are respect the break up and that your just trying to move on. Let him think that you are doing just fine.


Its hard and it hurts but your keeping the right mind set of not wanting to see him or contact him. It will get easier in time. I PROMISE!

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Good idea, however I really have no-one here, seriously. I lost my few friends when we first broke up - they said my depression was more than they could deal with & was just bringing them down too - guess they never were my friends. I live in a foreign country it it has just been difficult for me for some reason to meet new people, plus I work from home.


Anyway, I wish that was an option. Thank you for replying.

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I know its a bit of a break in the NC but why dont you email him asking for it, simply that, nothing else about whats happened, just ask for what you need and for him to email you it and thats that. If you need it for work, you need it x

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Maree, I broke NC last too...to no avail! I went out just to get some fresh air. And there I was sitting by myself and "Woman" by John Lennon plays...in a rock bar....it was our song. I sent him a drunk text message saying "I love you and miss you, I want to go home, this is killing me" That was at 2 a-m- and he didn't reply. I sent it at 11:20 p.m. I feel like an idiot but I know I can go back to NC. What I hate about this is not knowing what's going on. I know he loves me and needs time. But I think he finally caved in and gave up to his mother's pressure and his family's. I'm devastated HELP

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So, I sent the email & he sent me the missing files. I guess I had too much hope that this reply would be more personal...deep down I knew it wouldn't be, but geez I wanted it to be. It basically just said here are your files & here are a few more I thought you might need - structured very business like.


Why does this bug me so much? I have cried ever since...I hate feeling like this. I try so hard to accept & move on, but I just can't. He is gone from my life & I want him so bad.

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Hey Maree and Light Monster - fellow home workers!


I have found it hard living alone and working all day at home... alone. But I have discovered the only way to not fall into the crying trap (and ruining your whole day) is to keep VERY busy. I also make sure I speak to someone every day, even if it is someone from my family on the phone or even the receptionist at the gym! This morning I have been re-organising my cupboards - the more mindless the job, the better!


I'm sorry that your email/text didn't have the desired results, I also had an ignored email yesterday. I now know for sure that's it's easier to be in NC, compared to not hearing the things you really want to...

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Tell me about it. It seem like such a silly thing & I feel like I have been doing so well, but I spend the night in tears. I guess it was just the realization that I should not be clinging to hope. And I find hope in everything...he still has my spare key.

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