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Would you leave your current SO for someone else?


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Can you stay committed if someone hit on you and you were very, very, very attracted to them?? Be honest?


If someone else came along that you felt extremely hot for and they told you they could offer you more physically and emotionally, would you leave your current SO for this other person??


Please be honest people, it's a simple question and deserves simple answers..

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Can you stay committed if someone hit on you and you were very, very, very attracted to them?? Be honest?


If someone else came along that you felt extremely hot for and they told you they could offer you more physically and emotionally, would you leave your current SO for this other person??


Please be honest people, it's a simple question and deserves simple answers..


Depends on the level of commitment me and the SO have agreed on./

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When you say "offer more physically and emotionally" - that is something they can't know that you need more of or in what definition of "more".


So they can't make that promise...you can make that assumption based on what you need and want and aren't getting where you are.


If they're offering you a start-up package deal to be with them that includes a lifestyle upgrade at thier expense, or something tangible that possession is 9/10th of the law regarding - then they can offer what is "more" because they are in a better position to evaluate what you've got, bsaed on who you're with, and what you're doing, etc. You can evaluate if you want more in that social or financial aspect and act accordingly in your best interests. Realize if they're offering you "more" of any dimension - they're making that offer to many people, quite often.......more is just 'more than what you've got, in addition to what you have" - not a replacement.

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No. I dont think I would. I met someone at the beach recently and she was totaly cool, totaly hot, and I met her in the water while surfing. Did I get her phone number? No. Its the experiences with my girlfriend that outweigh the attraction to this girl. I would feel to bad just saying "Oh I met someone who I am more attracted to." I think karma would play out over time.

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I'm not sure. I would love to say no I am fully 100% commited forever and ever because I love my SO so much. And I do love him very much but I could not 110% say that I wouldn't. It would depend where I was in life, where we were in our relationship and if our needs were being met at the same time.

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No one could give me more than my current bf as far as the physical part goes. Emotionally, they just might be able to. If they could, that would be a tough decision, but I think I would stay. My bf can be thoughtless at times, but I'm not perfect, either. I hope he'd say "no" to the offer, also.

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Normally, no, I wouldn't leave one for another. However, the timing of this subject presents me with the unfortunate opportunity to say yes. I am not proud of that but I am not real happy right now in my current relationship. Funny thing is, I am not real unhappy either.

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My initial response is no, I would not leave my partner simply because I found someone else attractive. However, life (and love) are not always 100% "black & white". Relationships (and their outcome) are unpredictable. Human beings are complex with volatile feelings and responses.


When you become attracted towards another person while already in a relationship, you may believe it is an indicator that something is lacking in your current situation. And that may be the case, but that does not mean the other person is a better fit for you. You first need to explore as to why you’ve become attracted towards someone else and try to work out your differences with your partner first.


And while I do believe that sometimes the person we are with, is not the right one for us and perhaps someone else is a better match, I do not believe you should just end your current relationship simply because of that. There will always be temptation, it is only natural. But the commitment you've made, belongs to your partner first. And that means doing whatever it takes to remain committed and to try and salvage your relationship, before deciding to move on...

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Can you stay committed if someone hit on you and you were very, very, very attracted to them?? Be honest?


If someone else came along that you felt extremely hot for and they told you they could offer you more physically and emotionally, would you leave your current SO for this other person??


Please be honest people, it's a simple question and deserves simple answers..


No I wouldn't. That has come up when I was married. I don't believe in infidelity when monogamy has been the agreed-upon arrangement, and so I just draw a very hard line in the sand and do not do that when I am involved in a monogamous relationship with someone.

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I guess for me a more important question would be

'Would I leave my SO for someone who, knowing I was already in a committed relationship, chose not to respect that?'.


A number of other questions would follow, like:

'What else wouldn't they respect?' and

'Why does this person think they could offer me more emotionally - when they are trying to break up my committed relationship?'


That's just for starters ...

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Attraction is fun and exciting and new... but it doesn't hold a candle to the depth of love, commitment, respect, friendship, devotion and affection I feel for my partner of 6 years. So would I give that up for a bit of excitement?


No way.

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Yes I can stay committed - it was never commitment to begin with if you can't.


Commitment does not mean "just being faithful...unless something else comes along". It does not being faithful when it's easy....it's about keeping that commitment to yourself and one another even when it's the hardest too - and it's also about far more than sexual monogamy.


I would not trade the commitment, love, respect, friendship, history, affection and life journey (including the ups and downs) I have with my partner for ANYONE else. Period.

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