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"Taking Care" of a girl - what do you define this as?


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Well, against much of the advice on this board, and my friends I decided I'd send her flowers today. I don't condone silly behaviour, but in truth some of the comments on this board made me realise that I haven't been very nice to her in general


Going the next step may be a bridge too far and more towards the gold digger type stuff that people have been saying. But, some simple things to show that I care/love her I just havent been doing as much as she probably deserves.


She won't take my calls, but did send an SMS saying that she was very appreciative for the flowers (first time she had gotten any at work from anyone so was very happy), not to spend any more money on her and that while she loved them, it wouldn't change anything overnight.


I'm not sure what to do next to be honest. Guess I'll leave it a few days and give her some space.

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I don't agree with any of the people that say they were gold-diggers. You've had this happen to you several times, the problem may very well be you. It sounds like when you go out with your girlfriend(s) you act as if they are your friends. They are not. I am not into all this 50/50 bull because again, they are not friends...they are girls...girlfriends. A man is suppose to take care of his lady in everyway. I am not saying a man ALWAYS has to pay, or that a girl can't help out...but usually when a man is all up for 50/50 he's just a cheap guy who any girl with a brain would leave.

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I don't agree with any of the people that say they were gold-diggers. You've had this happen to you several times, the problem may very well be you. It sounds like when you go out with your girlfriend(s) you act as if they are your friends. They are not. I am not into all this 50/50 bull because again, they are not friends...they are girls...girlfriends. A man is suppose to take care of his lady in everyway. I am not saying a man ALWAYS has to pay, or that a girl can't help out...but usually when a man is all up for 50/50 he's just a cheap guy who any girl with a brain would leave.



I absolutely agree with this. The Gold Diggers are the women who expect that the man always pays and that he buys her gifts all the time. The everything is 50-50 all the time is the other extreme where the woman then feels like she is just a friend..there is no specialness there. Ideally in a relationship there is a healthy mix of 50-50, the guy paying/buying a sweet little gift and the woman paying/buying a sweet little gift. It is about both making the other person feel special but not used.

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she felt I wasn't "taking care" of her. For her, it meant, not paying for all our meals/groceries/and most international travel.


Blatant gold-digger, the very definition of it.


We got back together but now she has dumped me again as I don't "take care of her". Her definition is wider, but also includes the financial


This one is the successful lawyer, again, not textbook, but since you say it includes the financial... gold-digger.


If you are treating her with respect and as a gentleman, engaging with her thoughtfully and really listening to her, being honest and aboveboard with her, showing your feelings for her regularly, and making her happy in bed, that's all the "taking care of" you need to worry about. Women who want more, for example, a surrogate daddy or to have their every whim indulged, should be avoided like the plague...

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tried calling her again (two days after flowers to the office) and wont pick up my call


is there anything else I can do?? I dont want to harass her, so wont call/SMS like a crazy person. She got my missed call and can figure it out.


Guess I'll just do my thing as much as it hurts.

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