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Well after 2 weeks off through depression I went back today. I lasted an hour. All the feelings of hopelessness and desperation returned and O felt physically sick at the prospect of staying there for more than 5 minutes. So I went back to the Doc and have been signed off work for a further 2 weeks.


I don't want to get into this cycle, so in a positive way I'm going to use this 2 weeks to out my heart and soul into looking for another job, one that befits my skills and experiance more. My housemates think I'm running away from her (as she works there too) and maybe that's part of it, but I feel that the job has run it's course and I've accomplished all I can.


Onwards and upwards, Im trying to remain positive with the support of family and friends and the good people on ENA.


Wish me luck!

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I know how you feel, I have been getting physically ill just from coming to work. I was diagnosed bi-polar in October and ever since just can't work as well as I used to which is quite stressfull.


My office is moving at the end of June and I've given notice that I will be leaving when we move. I'm going to work temp until hopefully my hubby and I move back home to Texas.


Be glad you are able to take this time off and you should really look for a new job that won't depress you so badly.


Take care of yourself {HUG} you aren't alone!

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