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UPDATE : NC going well and bad


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im sure she misses me and probably is thinking about me alot. i mean she has to be right? you cant date someone for 2+ years and just forget about them. im sure she will contact me soon. what do you all think? if she does, ill pick up but wont act like anything is wrong with me you know? thoughts?


...im afraid of being alone. she made me feel so alive.


please just forget about her for your own sake. If you do that for awhile and get over her, then come back to this thread and read what you wrote in my quote, you'll probably want to vomit.

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You're a young dude, so I'm guessing this is not really an option, but think about not drinking or at least keeping it to a minimum. It's great that you are going out with your friends though and not hanging out home.

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