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I really like this guy, but Im not sure what to think. please help


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Hey guys... This is going to be a long post but I really hope you take time to read it because Im really not sure what to do here. I'll start at the beginning. I go to this drive though convence store quite often. Atleast 2 times a week, well for the past seems like maybe a month there is this guy who works there (really cute, really nice) After he gives me my stuff and Im all done ready to leave he always starts a conversation with me and we end up talking for a while. ususally it's always about his horses and stuff, never really asks much about me... Anywaze I like him ALOT and so I was telling my friend about him one night and we decided to go up there so she could check him out and when we got done there was a car behind us so he said "I wish you could stay around to chit chat" and my friend said well you could just give her your number and she could call you and he said he didnt have a phone but I could call the store and ask for him and he said to ask for cowboy... Anywaze so I called him we talked for a bit and I asked him if he wanted to come to a party with me on saturday (this was I think tuesday maybe). he said yeah and then he told me that friday he was going 4 wheelen and wanted me to come, I told him he could stop by my house and see. Well he didnt come over friday and never called me at all the whole weekend. Today I went to the store and he told me that he had to go to a funeral over the weekend in a different state (far away from our state) and that he tried to call me all day but that everytime he would try a car would pull though. Well see the thing is that like he worked all night saturday and never called. And I dunno sometimes I just feel like he's not too interested in me. I mean he calls me but thats only when Ive called him first. And he never has tried to spend time with me. He has made comments like he'll need to move if he hooks up with me and has asked me what I look for in a guy and stuff like that but I don't understand why he never tries to see me. What do you think? And what should I do? he works tomorrow soo...

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Oh, I missed the lack of a phone part. Not a huge deal...if he really doesn't have a phone, he can always call from a friend's phone. I've had friends and romantic interests call me from a friend's phone either because they didn't have a cell phone or because they temporarily didn't have one because they lost theirs.


As a general rule of thumb I use...if a guy isn't asking you out, he's just not that into you.

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I would invite him out to meet up a few times and if he avoids the next two or three times don't waste your time. Find someone who will be excited and looking forward to seeing you. If he ends up going out with you a couple of times successfully then on the third time just have a light talk with him and find out what he is looking for and what it is you want. Just talk to him and see what he has to say, don't speculate.

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I've got three guesses, listed in no particular order: he's either 1) living with his parents, 2) homeless or maybe living in a half-way house of some sort, or 3) married...Hey, I'm just sayin...that's what it sounds like to me!

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Well the thing about moving is that he lives probably like 20, 30 mins away from here but drives up here to work. He called me yesterday and had me come up to see him at work and he invited me to a party this friday with him. Then as I was leaving there was some of his friends up there and he's like well i would kiss you but there's a bunch of retards around. I just don't know what to think, he says he has an ex wife and a kid with her. I just don't get the phone part how he only calls me when he is at work, I mean if I like someone and dont have a phone I would find a way to call. He did mention though that he was going to try to get a cell phone this week. Still dont know what to think

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