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Cup full of soul

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ENA has always been a place to vent and admittedly search for justification of thoughts/hopes I've had in the past. I am taking a different approach in this thread though, hoping for more questions/feedback so I can better understand the things I have been feeling.


I returned home today from a fantastic holiday weekend. I was back at my alma mater for commencement/reunion activities and saw so many old dear friends it was wonderful! Also spent some quality time with my younger brother and had dinner at my mother's house, which happens infrequently for many reasons so it was a big thing. I kept thinking throughout the weekend that the whole experience has really rejuvenated my soul.


I packed up the car, started the engine....but sat idling for about 15 minutes not wanting to leave. Nostalgia and not wanting the fun to end played a role for my hesitation to leave, but ultimately I felt as if I had unfinished business...


So eventually I dropped my ex a text message, popped the car into drive and took off. There was an exchange of a few texts as she did not have my new cell number and wondered who the sender was, but I get the feeling she knew that it was me.


In any case, I have several varied feelings about it all and with this particular situation, I hope for lots of questions and opinions....not for a determination of potential reconciliation, but rather because I desire peace of mind and heart regarding this woman. I am solidly in a positive frame of mind to sort this out to a degree so I'm looking forward for feedback.


Thus, I omit many details/facts to see what the community in general thinks is important here for me to reflect on and what is just "noise" to be discarded.

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