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I know alot of you also are have trouble sleeping as well. For me mornings are awful. I am completely loaded with anxiety. No matter what time I go to bed I typically wake up around 5am, it is so quite & I feel so alone. I usually find some random crap to watch on tv & fall asleep again, but I still awake up in the same state.


What do some of you do to combat the morning pain? It really hurts today.

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i know there are some good threads dealing with post breakups but i don't know where they are now.. search around (i am assuming you are dealing with a breakup).


you have to keep yourself busy and give yourself something to look forward to. for me i played more sports (hint: hockey.. and golf) so i was excited in the morning for that. i also started to hang out with friends more often and worked out. all these things will help you with getting past this along with new developed confidence. make yourself feel good. i know everyone has their own different 'thing', for me working out and looking at the results made me feel great about myself, and i created some great hockey memories to replace the bad ones.


remember its never to late to start new hobbies or do new things, and everyday is a new opportunity.

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yeap, I think it will give you a good reason to get out of bed. Read something interesting in bed. Fix yourself a good cup of tea and enjoy your time alone. (That coming from "woman who checks her mail every 3 seconds to see if he wrote") ..... THIS IS JUST PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


; )

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Focus your thoughts on someone else. For me, mental images of people. The pretty girl who smiled at me at work, the girl who started writing to me on here, my female friend here at work who helps me throgh the down times. I found that if I could train my brain to switch to someone else then I would end up going back to sleep pretty quickly.

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It helps if you have a fondness for the person you change your thoughts to. My friend who helps, I think about what she would say about my anxiety and how much she has helped me. For the girl down the hall, I think how pretty she is, especially when she smiled at me and that I might think about asking her out. I'd probably suggest using guys though.

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Exersise is a marvelous mood lifter, gets those feel good endorphins pumping around your body, plus its a known fact that it helps you have better quality sleep. This sleep thing will only be temporary, youve had a bit of a shock to your system and its only natural for things like this to happen, once you are with the support of your family you will be much better, stay strong xx;-)

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Exersise is a marvelous mood lifter, gets those feel good endorphins pumping around your body, plus its a known fact that it helps you have better quality sleep. This sleep thing will only be temporary, youve had a bit of a shock to your system and its only natural for things like this to happen, once you are with the support of your family you will be much better, stay strong xx;-)


I do have to say that if I am in a particularly crap mood, going for a run or going to the gym can actually make me feel worse. If anything, it makes my mind focus more on the crap in my head. But I find a bit of yoga, centering and relaxation can take it away.


Exercise is good for the sleeping though!

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Yeah, I can't focus on guys I like - mostly because I only like one & he doesn't want me. But just focusing all my thoughts on my family to try & fall asleep again is a thought, instead of drowning in my misery. And yes, gym starts tomorrow!

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Good idea. It will be tough finding one with no tie to him - we loved movies together. Maybe a pay-per-view tonight. I tried to listen to music today - my entire playlist is ruined. If it isn't the sad lyrics, it is a song he liked too, or a song he used to listen too & change all the lyrics too, that was funny as hell when he did that.....well I made it through the day & only cried once. Things must be getting easier.

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Good idea. It will be tough finding one with no tie to him - we loved movies together. Maybe a pay-per-view tonight. I tried to listen to music today - my entire playlist is ruined. If it isn't the sad lyrics, it is a song he liked too, or a song he used to listen too & change all the lyrics too, that was funny as hell when he did that.....well I made it through the day & only cried once. Things must be getting easier.


Same here, but I luckily had several movies that were untouched by both of us. Dig around and you'll find one. As for music, that's a tough one to get around. Well, all you can do is try to find some music that is engaging and not harmful to your healing.

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I absolutely hate it when I wake up and find myself thinking about my ex. Ruins the day. So I make it a habit that when I do, I say to myself that I am me and not even my ex can ruin a day for me any longer. I try to be positive and hope that I will not delve into thinking about my ex.

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When this happens to me, and yes ,this is 7 months later, I ask myself "Is she sitting at home in a curled up position with a picture of me, crying over our good times and missing me?" Well I know the answer, and it makes me mad..So I look at myself and say "she's not worth my misery"

There ya go, instant mood changer..Now hit that gym with that extra anger to motivate.

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