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Feeling trapped and discouraged

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Hi all,


I've just graduated with an Arts degree (I know, "Well, THATS the problem!") last month, and am franticly trying to find a job. Its been about 4-5 weeks since I started this job search, and have not had a single call-back, interview, or any sign of 'You might be worth giving money too!'.


I'm basically clinically depressed at this point, varying between insomniatic and sleeping 18 hours in one day. I need a job soon, but nobody seems to be interested in hiring me. I kind of feel like this degree was a complete waste of time and worth less than the paper it's written on, but I'm stuck with it now and have to try to find something with it.

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Well, I have an Anthropology degree and experience running a dept on campus where I was in charge of 40+ people. I've applied at every 'administrative assistant' posting I've seen, 'receptionist' positions, 'human resources' positions, I've tried applying at archaeological digs, but they need field schools which I don't have.


Thats basically all I've seen that I think I might have a chance with. In the end, though, out of the 30-40 I've applied to, most have responded a few weeks later saying that they "went with a different applicant" and the rest simply never responded at all.


I guess I just feel like 'what was the point in getting that degree if a month after graduating, I'm worse off than before it and still looking for a job?' I mean, the point of getting a degree is to get a job afterwards, which any of my friends who have degrees in engineering, science, etc, have now. Anyone who has my degree: Jobless.

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Have you given any thought to moving away from New Brunswick? I know the employment opportunities aren't always great on the east coast. It would be a huge decision and change, but you might have alot more luck in your chosen field in Toronto or Vancouver.

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I've considered that, and it may be that I wind up moving in with my dad in Toronto, but from looking on job posting sites, I haven't seen any difference in the types of jobs available in TO, only the amount. If I'm not qualified to work in them here, I figure it's unlikely I'll be able to compete in a larger population base like TO.

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That's great that your dad is in Toronto. I do think the opportunies would be better for you here...alot of great jobs aren't posted. Once you got here you could start making some connections, it's often who you know. It wouldn't take you long to make some friends and create a social life (I can tell by your user name that you have a good sense of humour )with like minded people. There's a very vibrant arts scene here, you'd just have to check out the Queen West area, and there's also alot going on in the film industry. Maybe you could come out and visit him for awhile this summer and check things out before making the leap to a full move. It's something for you to think about.

Try not to get discouraged.

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I've applied at every 'administrative assistant' posting I've seen, 'receptionist' positions, 'human resources' positions


Honestly, it is my understanding that many companies simply will not hire men into those positions. Perhaps if that is what you want to do try to look for jobs with the government or in education.


Is it possible for you to persue a more vocationally orientated qualification like maybe accounting or teaching ?

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It's not really what I want to do, but its what I think I might have a chance at getting a job in with my qualifications. Its possible to pursue something else, but I would need either a business degree or an education degree, both of which involve going back to school. While that is a possibility, its now May, meaning I'd have to wait until next year to pursue that. Also, kids and I don't get along, so education is probably out for that reason, and that the GPA requirements for it are fairly hefty, and I have my doubts that I could really compete.

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Nothing wrong with an Arts degree!


And you certainly aren't limited to administrative positions. Lots of people have arts degrees and are working in non-admin assistant type jobs. Maybe it is where you live, a bigger city will have more people, but will also have waymore job opportunities.

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I don't see how there are more opportunities in larger cities... I've looked at both Halifax and Toronto on the job posting sites, and applied to several, but don't see anything particularly different than whats advertised here.


I don't understand how one can find a job thats not advertised, especially since I would know absolutely nobody in those places besides my parents, and they've already stated that they don't know anyone who could help up there...

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I don't see how there are more opportunities in larger cities... I've looked at both Halifax and Toronto on the job posting sites, and applied to several, but don't see anything particularly different than whats advertised here.


I don't understand how one can find a job thats not advertised, especially since I would know absolutely nobody in those places besides my parents, and they've already stated that they don't know anyone who could help up there...



There are more opportunities because there are more people, more businesses, more institutions.


What about looking at the careers sections of local government, provincial government, local colleges or university websites? I've never found jobs through places like monster.ca


I don't think it matters if you know anyone, or if your parents know anyone. i never got a job through my parents knowing anyone.


I think there are more opportunities in some cities than others. just depends if you want to move. Of course there are going to be way more job opportunities in Toronto than where you are now.

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What about looking at the careers sections of local government, provincial government, local colleges or university websites? I've never found jobs through places like monster.ca


I've tried the provincial government thing, and gotten 5 letters back from the 5 positions stating 'The Board of Examiners could not determine from your application that you possess the related experience and/or qualifications as set out in the advertisement, and thereforeeee was unable to give further consideration to your application'


I've tried careerbeacon.ca, and several other canadian things, as well as my university employment site, but most of those are copied on careerbeacon and other sites. Not anything special. I don't really know where else to look..

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I've tried the provincial government thing, and gotten 5 letters back from the 5 positions stating 'The Board of Examiners could not determine from your application that you possess the related experience and/or qualifications as set out in the advertisement, and thereforeeee was unable to give further consideration to your application'


I've tried careerbeacon.ca, and several other canadian things, as well as my university employment site, but most of those are copied on careerbeacon and other sites. Not anything special. I don't really know where else to look..


Well you will definitely get more rejection letters than acceptance ones.. it's the just the way things go. Even people who have Masters and 10 years of experience are going to get those sorts of letters


Lots of times, even in Alberta so-called boom economy, people will send out 90 resumes, even when they do have good qualifications.


you just need to keep applying and trying until something comes up.


Just get a job in retail or at a restaurant or something until you get something better. It's quite common to have to do that... or it was when i finished university... ha ha.. i'm sounding old!

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Just wanted to give you some encouragement...as i am currently in a similar situation to yourself...here in the UK its a mess at the minute...the government encouraged more and more people to go to uni...and now there are more and more SPECIFIC degrees...whih makes it harder to get less specific jobs...and if you look around for jobs after you graduate there are hardly anygraduate jobs...just jobs for people with GCSEs and ALevels and then jobs for people with degrees but have experience nothing in between...


I have struggled to get a graduate job...wanted to go into teaching so got my degree and volunteered for free in schools for years and years but on applying for teaching (not many places and so manypeople apply...try 20 places and 400 ppl!) was told i needed more experience...


SO tried to get job as teaching assistant (i.e paid work in a classroom) but have been told I am OVERQUALIFIED because i have a degree....i cant win!


So your not alone mate!

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Yeah, the "Experience" catch-22 is frustrating for me too. You can't get experience until you get a job, but you can't get a job until you get experience! Craziness.


It doesn't make me feel particularly happy that you're in the same kind of boat, since I don't wish it on anyone, but it does help to know that I'm not the only one going through it.


I think one of the most frustrating things was getting e-mails back from places saying 'We'd like to interview you. Can you come into our office next week?' when they're based in cities 10-15 hours away, and when I tell them that I can do a phone interview and then depending on how they wanted to proceed after that, I'd consider it for a serious offer of employment, they simply shut me down. Its like I have to invest money into moving accross the country, paying rent, etc, all while not having a job and THEN start applying within that city! Ugh.

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"Its like I have to invest money into moving accross the country, paying rent, etc, all while not having a job and THEN start applying within that city! Ugh."


Yes tell me about it! But sometimes it is necessary. And the way things are here you have to try and do everything to even get a chance of an interview, because there are so many job candiates now that the employers have a lot of choice.


I put £20 of petrol in my car to go visit a school on a tour and a welcome meeting before interviews took place...only 5 others came...and i didnt even get an interview after...and the job was for working in a nursery attached to a school, and ive run a school room nursery over summer months and worked in one for 18 months.....and what was i told? Sorry with your degree we feel you are over qualified for this position...


YES i am but that should mean i am able to do the job well because i have worked to high deadlines and in a lot of pressure, balanced my time and organised myself well, working 2 part time jobs, studing for a degree, studying for an NVQ and working voluntarily all at the same time...and still i dont get a job...


I need to stay in a classroom envorinment so I can apply for teacher training again and thats why i want a teaching assitant job...because i want to paid now...ive done it for free since i was 16 lol and who knows if i got a TA i job i might just stay there and never be a teacher...but i want the chance to try it and it annoys me that my degree which i worked so so hard for for 3 years is the reason why i am not getting these jobs!!


------ sorry rant over now lol ------------

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