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Keifer Sutherland (look alike) phoned (update)


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O I got the impression you had been chatting with these men for several days, my bad, didn't realize you met them all the same day. You are doing great, Holly, just watch out for the Bolivian magnate, he will break your heart!


I was doing fine,now im a gibbering wreck! The photographer sent me an email lastnight,a really nice one that i was going to answer this morning,but then early this morning he sent me another asking me out tonight or tomorrow night as he cant wait to meet me. Oh the thought of leaving my comfort zone (my room) is frightening! And i haven't even got round to asking for his pic yet,what if he is really awful. Having said that he doesn't sound awful. He says he is 6" tall,very athletic & not an ounce of fat on him. He goes running & training & does marathons! My stomach is in my mouth. I will calm down,iv only just read his mail.


The BBC guy has emailed me a couple of times in the early hours too. He's so funny. He was reading the news so i tuned in & he sounds very nice..Good grief im going to have to meet the photographer,but i think its early. I know you guys dont agree,but one on one im very nervous. In groups im the life & soul..


It will be fine

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hmm, the slipicture has apparently driven him into a frenzy, just don't fall for the old "I'd love to photograph you" line. I've even used this one. Also remember that anyone with a camera can call themselves a photographer. However, he asked you out first so he wins the servedcold award for valor.


Afraid to leave your room? Changing handle to "agoraphobicofleedsorthereabouts," it's ok, try to have some fun with it.

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hmm, the slipicture has apparently driven him into a frenzy, just don't fall for the old "I'd love to photograph you" line. I've even used this one. Also remember that anyone with a camera can call themselves a photographer. However, he asked you out first so he wins the servedcold award for valor.


Afraid to leave your room? Changing handle to "agoraphobicofleedsorthereabouts," it's ok, try to have some fun with it.


OMG OMG!!!! And to to ip off Kiefer text me at tea time today!!! Thats 5 men now,6 if you include fwb..which we wont!lol This is waht Kiefer said,then the others are mad for me! And iv just read the photographers email & he said i would love to photograph you!!! This is what Kiefer text...


Hi ,spoke 2 u last week. u were having a nite in & ur friends were out. hope ur well & enjoying the sunshine. x dave..alias kiefer sutherlad..x


Oh thats so sweet,i might have to go for a drink with him. And what did i text back??????

'Hi dave,drivin at mo,will txt latr,nice 2 here from u x'


Well i was just setting off. And im getting confused now. Whats that saying,famine to feast??lol Im not complaining,im just worried i might get them mixed up or we might even bump into one another..They all asked for more picture too & i sent them some. Im beggining to feel like some Madam!!




So far the BBC man is pippin the post,photographer a close second,and the others well i havent had chance to think about them all at once to be honest. The BBC man even emailed me my own news bulletin!lol

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LOL, well madam, wouldn't send any more pics til you meet these guys, do you have pics of all of them by now? Weekend approaches fast, I'm still in monk mode, so expect to live vicariously through your exploits over the weekend. Don't let us down!

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LOL, well madam, wouldn't send any more pics til you meet these guys, do you have pics of all of them by now? Weekend approaches fast, I'm still in monk mode, so expect to live vicariously through your exploits over the weekend. Don't let us down!


Hi served


Well i sent more to the photographer & the BBC man. The one who has been keeping his emails short & less frequent emailed me today,then emailed again & said.."Oh i forgot...send me another picture...send me another picture...send me another picture..please" It took as being humorous..

I have pictues of the BBC man & the photographer,but not the other two yet..


Of course i will tell you what happens at the weekend,i wouldnt dare not to!lol I just hope i have something exciting to tell you! It wont involve sex though thats for sure! Not yet..

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Ok served,we might have to drop number 4. He has emailed me,but? Haha..I emailed him & mentioned i was just playing with my Lumix. Hours later he emails back simply saying.."Whats your Lumix?" Like did he think it was part of my anatomy or something???


I emailed back eventually & just said,"its a digital camera" duh!..Only i didnt add the duh! I mean its funny,but hasnt he heard of google?lol


I will tell you about my exploits later. Got the Beeb man emailing,texting & msn'ing. And the photographer is a very avid emailer! The small business owner has dropped out for some reason? Dont know waht i said?

But my got instinct is going with the Beeb man. But then i have got Keifer texting,as we speak & he seems really nice actually. Iv just asked him his age,havent had a reply yet..

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News FLASH! Lillie likes getting personal news flashes from the bbbbbc.


I think we need an oddsmaking function here on ENA... photog in the stretch, closely followed by bbbbbbcc, keifer pulling up hard third, but wait BUSINESSMAN stretching his legs, it's businessman, businessman, businessman, NO! Businesssman takes a tumble! bbbbc pulls up in the back turn... AND...

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News FLASH! Lillie likes getting personal news flashes from the bbbbbc.


I think we need an oddsmaking function here on ENA... photog in the stretch, closely followed by bbbbbbcc, keifer pulling up hard third, but wait BUSINESSMAN stretching his legs, it's businessman, businessman, businessman, NO! Businesssman takes a tumble! bbbbc pulls up in the back turn... AND...


Hee hee!!


I have to butt in here & say forget the gee gee's..There isnt a horse on the planet that could keep up with this carry on lol!! This is getting more like a formula 1 race now!!!lol Honestly!

Im going out on on sunday with the photog..im looking forward to it now that iv explained that i talk a lot when im nervous,and he understands completely

To be honest they are not the most attractive men physically,but they seem to be such nice guys (the beeb man & the photog mainly) that even if we dont get romantic im sure we are going to become good friends & will be for a while. Honestly

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Erm, I broke "monk mode" last night, not all the way, but pretty darn close. Putting the sackcloth back on so I will be pure enough to appreciate the details of photog date.


Excuse me???? Does that mean what i think it meant?


I went out today & bought a couple of lovely halter neck satin blouses..Im borrowing my daughter in laws's pencil skirt which has a very stylish rushed (sp?)up the back. And some lovely black onyx matching jewellery!


Im gaining confidence now..


But the Beeb guy is something else,he's like a horse that has bolted! Cant wait to meet him actually...

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Had a kind of "accidental" first date last night, got a bit buzzed, and we went a little too far, but we stopped as she has house guests. Probably a good thing.


What do you do when you remeet someone from the fairly distant past (not an ex) whom you find a strong mutual physical chemistry with, but are pretty sure that's all there is on your end, yet are also pretty sure that the person will want more than a fling if things progress? Only good answer I can think of is just don't start.


Wow, you sure know how to dress for a date, "mankillerofleedsorthereabouts," am sure your efforts will be most appreciated.

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Had a kind of "accidental" first date last night, got a bit buzzed, and we went a little too far, but we stopped as she has house guests. Probably a good thing.


What do you do when you remeet someone from the fairly distant past (not an ex) whom you find a strong mutual physical chemistry with, but are pretty sure that's all there is on your end, yet are also pretty sure that the person will want more than a fling if things progress? Only good answer I can think of is just don't start.


Wow, you sure know how to dress for a date, "mankillerofleedsorthereabouts," am sure your efforts will be most appreciated.


Mmmmmm I would make them a friend with benefits! I know not everlyone agree's with this kind of thing,you included served,but it does answer your dilemma,that is of course if she understands the situation Which from your message she doenst & has probably never even heard of it..


How come you cant see any future in it? Well daft question really so dont feel like you have to answer it. But if thats how you see things i would have to agree not to start anything. BUT it sounds lke you have! Naughty naughty!


But these things happen,and its not too late to explain to her that it went too far & you are sorry and it wont happen again..


So i would say..give it a whirl with her & see what happens..or


Discuss the 'fwb'..or


Explain that it shouldnt have gone so far & back off...or



Explain that you are not looking for a relationship at the moment but wouldnt mind a highly charged fling!!




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Thanky Lillie, will keep all this in mind, some very good suggestions. I know she will be expecting a call from me in the next few days, so may be able to feel her out (metaphorically unlike last night) more when I call her.


She is dating at least one man atm, he called twice while we were out last night and she mentioned that she was going to be "in trouble" despite denying that he is her BF. She has a special ringtone set up for him also. I didn't know about him until last night. Big red flag, right? or am I being presumptuous as to what this says about her?


She is still very much a party girl, goes out drinking several nights per week. Have learned that this is not what I want. She couldn't believe I only went out one night per week on average. She is near my age and still carries the party torch.


She is bright and pleasant, very attractive, but obviously and generally ignorant. Over time, I'm positive I'd get bored.


There's more, but these three are the biggies. Thoughts?

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Oh heck you have got yourself a boat load of red flags there served if you dont mind me agreeing!

So she has a b/f of sorts? Well do they have an open relationship? If not then no your not being presumptious..And a special ringtone for him? Do they have those so that they have that extra bit of warning & time when they call??lol


And still partying hard? You wern't out around West Yorkshire were you? Because she sounds like a friend of mine!


Well served,im afraid to put it bluntly i would have to tell you to stay clear unless you are happy with just emotionless sex with someone attractive..


I know if i told you about a man with all those traits you would tell me to run a mile. She might be bright & beautiful,she may well be a lovely woman. But maybe not serious relationship material..


Nothing wrong with letting your hair down & having some fun though,you are adults!

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