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Keifer Sutherland (look alike) phoned (update)


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aww, give the fella a kiss if you like him, doesn't have to be a Hollywood clinch. Love the War of the Roses, have to rent that and rewatch sometime. Was warned off the brangelina one, is it good?


Really? I think maybe a 2 second kiss on the lips,mouth closed,would be appropriate on a first date. Nothing more,and definitely not a snog!lol I dont want him to think im a man eater!


The film,well i really enjoyed it! I enjoyed it that much that wished it was longer. I recommend giving it a whirl.

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Jaded lighten up i wouldnt really turn up drunk!lol


What you wrote below sounded like you were going to be tipsy before he arrived. That is why i advised against it. You even said "no joke" so you seemed serious.


Yes i would like it! I like spontaneity. And i like informal too. The whole arrranging,getting ready etc makes me very nervous. I would probably be drunk before we even met because of my nerves! No joke..But if i was already there i would feel casual & at ease with texting or phoning him to come & join me..


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What you wrote below sounded like you were going to be tipsy before he arrived. That is why i advised against it. You even said "no joke" so you seemed serious.


I could easily have one or two too many,no joke!lol


But as i am trying to find myself a decent long term b/f i would keep myself in check & only have one for a little dutch courage Because i am nervous in these situations i just cant help it. If we went out in a foursome i would feel a lot better..

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Gee someone,you are really someone!!!


What a fabulous reply. And i hadn't read even half of what you wrote into the situation. Bet thats why he hasn't texted me!lol


But i haven't text or phoned him either because of everything you mention in chapter (3) Gosh how true all that is. Am i ready? Is it what i want? Can i handle it? The pressure the excitement? Im not sure. Im such a person of solitude,it scares me just how dependant on just myself that i have become. And at the end of the day i dont want to waste his time either. Then there is the age thing. I don't know how old he is but he seemed a bit young. I like more mature interesting men & he seemed to be a lad about town even if he was nice on the phone..I think if he was older i wouldnt be as aprehensive about calling him. So now im thinking well if he calls fine but if he doesnt fine! Not the best attitude to have but i think his age has put me off..


Thanks for the reply though,its really tied how iv been feeling together. So im not going to call. Plus i have opened up a few lines of communication with older men,professionals who seem to be more on my level & my age group. I guess that has put me off phoning Keifer too..


Im very optimistic about my new male contacts though. I hope & everyone can help me with your wisdom when one asks me to meet him!!Arrgghhh...


Thanks someone & everyone

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Plus i have opened up a few lines of communication with older men,professionals who seem to be more on my level & my age group.


Im very optimistic about my new male contacts though. I hope & everyone can help me with your wisdom when one asks me to meet him!!Arrgghhh...


Oooo, where are these ones coming from? BTW, I defined "meh" for you, what does "lad" mean in britslang? See it more and more and clueless.

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Oooo, where are these ones coming from? BTW, I defined "meh" for you, what does "lad" mean in britslang? See it more and more and clueless.


Hee hee... served you are so funny! Oooo


Well it happened purley by chance to be honest. My friend set his friend up with a personal add on a site,not a dating site though,a site that has local things for sale & personals. So he sent me the link to it & i got browsing,emailed four guys who seemed nice & genuine. They all emailed me back & still seem nice. I sent them all a pic of me taken only a night or two ago so they know what i look like. Turns out they all have their own house,car,good job. One has his own business,one works for the BBC,one is a freelance photographer,and im not sure what the other does yet. I feel like i have struck gold because its very informal & conversation is flowing so well. Bet iv cursed it now!! Thanks for asking served!!lol


BTW lad means,boy,jack the lad..Bit of a Yorkshire term

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BTW lad means,boy,jack the lad..Bit of a Yorkshire term


I enjoy your explanation but I still have no idea what it means!


Does that mean a sprung tweed collar and cabby hat?? That's what I'm envisioning. Also, knee high socks and buckle shoes. The socks will also be plaid.

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I enjoy your explanation but I still have no idea what it means!


Does that mean a sprung tweed collar and cabby hat?? That's what I'm envisioning. Also, knee high socks and buckle shoes. The socks will also be plaid.


I think you are somewhere in the greenbelt LBP!lol The gentry...


No a lad is basically a young man,be he rich or poor if he is on the young side we tend to refer to him as a lad Very Yorkshire saying..


Are you with me now. Like Americans call them dude?

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I call them dudebros.


Dude, bro!


ha ha yes i like that


Some call them mate,bud,bro,chava,blood,brethren!lol I think those are American terms that have landed on the shores. I just stick to man,boy,lad. Unless im taking to you guys,then i say guys!lol


Sometime i call them fellow and on odd occasions bloke,but bloke is very slang...

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Awesome reply someone1111!!!


Lillie, how come based on the reply above you are not going to call "keifer" or text him? Is he just not your type? The ball is in your court to call or text him next at this point. He already called you as someone1111 has pointed out. Etiquette would call for your move next. Unless you just realize he isn't your type or no attraction. It would be good practice for you tho LOL

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Awesome reply someone1111!!!


Lillie, how come based on the reply above you are not going to call "keifer" or text him? Is he just not your type? The ball is in your court to call or text him next at this point. He already called you as someone1111 has pointed out. Etiquette would call for your move next. Unless you just realize he isn't your type or no attraction. It would be good practice for you tho LOL


Hee hee good practice!lol


No i decided that he was a little bit young,not really what im looking for to be honest. I know i cant quite remember what he looked like,but i just got the impression that he wouldnt take what i want seriously. Just too young really.


But yes wasnt someones advice terrific! So has everyone else too

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So he sent me the link to it & i got browsing,emailed four guys who seemed nice & genuine. They all emailed me back & still seem nice. I sent them all a pic of me taken only a night or two ago so they know what i look like. Turns out they all have their own house,car,good job. One has his own business,one works for the BBC,one is a freelance photographer,and im not sure what the other does yet. I feel like i have struck gold because its very informal & conversation is flowing so well. Bet iv cursed it now!! Thanks for asking served!!lol


That's the best kind of online meet of all, a local site. Sounds very promising! Wish I had a similar site here.


Reason I asked about "lad" is that there was another thread where a young English man was lamenting that English women would only date "lads," so there seems to be some class connotation. link removed reveals only what you say, so it may be highly regional or some au courant usage.

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That's the best kind of online meet of all, a local site. Sounds very promising! Wish I had a similar site here.


Reason I asked about "lad" is that there was another thread where a young English man was lamenting that English women would only date "lads," so there seems to be some class connotation. link removed reveals only what you say, so it may be highly regional or some au courant usage.


Hey served,sorry been off emailing!


I just cant believe it! I had no intentions of emailing anyone,in fact i was browsing & gigling to myself,well some of the ads were so cheesy!


Thing is now i have exchanged emails with these four men,who at the moment really do sound genuine,decent men who like myself for one reason or another has been left on the shelf. They have been so lovely,all four of them. So now im feeling guilty for talking to all four. I know i have to keep my options open but i feel like a player or something,i mean little do they know that once i press send on gmail im starting a new message to the other one!


What do you think of that then? I feel like a tart!lol

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Sorry,no class connotation with the word lad as far as i am aware. Jack the lad refers to someone Americans might call a wide boy? I think that right. But 'lad' is just slang or Yorkshire for young man,boy etc. I fact it can even be used to describe a 2 year old,as in a little lad!lol Do i sound crazy tonigh? I feel like it do. Too long talking to too many different people!

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What do you think of that then? I feel like a tart!lol


If being a "tart" in this way keeps you off the FWB dealie, tart up baby!


Kidding aside, nothing at all wrong with talking to all of them at the same time, even dating them at the same time. Take your time and let them know you are just starting to date and aren't wanting to hop straight into a big relationship until you are ready. Odds are, one or two of them are hiding something serious or will turn out weirdish, and another won't ever get around to asking you out. So you have to play it that way as some of these horses will end up lame. OTOH, they may all turn out well, good for you then as it gives you options to consider and having options is where you want to be, right?


Once they start asking you out, go out and have fun, be honest with them, and over time, something may form with one. That's the time to cut the rest off, premature to worry about that now. Caveat, though, I'm not British, and have heard that dating around is a nono in some cultures. Giving you U.S. advice, modify for locale.


One other thing, not foolproof, but the best of these will likely be the first to ask you out on a real date.


Suggest you change your handle from "blackwidowofleedsorthereabouts" to "tartabouttown" though. ROFL.

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Arrrrhhhh!!!! tartabouttown!! hee hee...And guess what they are from! LEEDS!lol

"Blackwidowofleedsorthereabouts" is right where she wants to be,with options! Oh boy i just cant believe how well we are getting on.


Honestly the BBC guy (number 1)is very quirky,down to earth & funny,i should copy & paste his mail its is so hilarious! But that wouldnt be fair. But i feel an odd & exciting connection with him.


Then the photographer (number 2) is very funny,down to earth,complementary without being yuk,charming & very honest. I just feel like they are all so honest & fun. Also very open like me


Then the small business holder (number 3) is very nice too,but seems a little older in the head than the others!lol But is into B&W movies like i am. Or is that the photographer???Not sure really But i have such a lot in common & neither they nor i are bigging ourselves up.


Number 4,well he's also very sweet,but keeps his mails short & to the point,but neverthless he seems very nice. Don't know what he does for a living. I haven't asked any of them they chose to tell me.


But number 1's reply was so off the scale. Its title was..Oh god yes!!! And he then proceeded to get over excited!lol But in a cute way Then on the way home from work he drove around a village trying to find an unsecured wireless network just so that he could email me,and his laptop battery was low. He seems to be so frenetic & hypo!


Im finding myself attracted to them but for completely different reasons,like eeny meeny miny mo!haha..Now iv really cursed it...


Oh gosh im rambling,but you like to hear about my exploits right? hehe


Well they have all said that they can't wait to meet up but will not pressure me or anything & they said they will drive to meet me & at a place of my choice. Complete gentlemen


I sent the photographer a pic by mistake. it was one of me in a slip,i thought oh no! What is he going to think? But he liked it,and not in a porn way,it wasnt revealing just one that i would have rather not sent,not yet anyway!

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Ok, so the tables will turn soon and -you- will be giving -me- advice! Can't wait as I need some too.


Sounds great Lillie! You may want to slow down the emailing until they actually ask you out, or can guarantee you will start to have trouble with who said what and who likes what. Been there done that and it's very embarrassing and rude. Once you meet them in person, it will be easier to keep them apart in your mind.


Don't write the more conservative older minded one off, beware of flashinthepanitis from the really fervent ones. Can't wait to hear which one asks you out properly first.


EDIT: I expect the "slip" picture to be added to your ENA profile soon...

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If you need a womans perspective served im here for you. Im not the usual run of the mill woman so my advice may be a little odd,but im all woman & i think i know what us wemen like & want


I have to ask though sorry..What do you mean 'the one who askes me out properly'? They all want to meet up asap but are willing to take it slowly,or so they say..Do you mean the one who actually asks me out to dinner? Because they have all asked me out for a drink. And their ads said "send a pic & i will do the same" Well only the zaney one has sent his pic. The photographer sent me a pic of the Hairy Bikers!???Haha but it made me laugh so it was good i suppose. I don't like to be rude & press for a pic,but they did. Also i hate to be shallow & be turned off by their looks at this fragile time. I already like them but if i get to like them a bit more i don't think their looks would come into it. I don't know..


But no i wont be casting the more serious one aside,im not ageist in the least..


So wazzap served?? Tell aunty lill! If you want crackpot advice that is!lol

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EDIT: I expect the "slip" picture to be added to your ENA profile soon...


I might edit it & add it But that one has my face chopped off. The photographer has offered to help me with my skills


I will get round to putting one though now that i have taken some,but parts of my face are covered up,but you can still me

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Get pics from all of them ASAP! Can't emphasize this enough. Attraction is important, and you don't want to be in a position of having to let one or more down because you find them very unattractive.


So they asked you out, what did you say? Are you waffling them like you did Keifer? Changing your handle to "hollygolightlyofleedsorthereabouts" Please don't get into interminable email exchanges with these men. If they ask you out and you like them, go out, then let them down or keep accepting date invitations.


Better yet, do like Holly would and throw a get together at your house and let them vie for your attentions... j/k.


We will be your "penpals" here, these guys are for DATING


EDIT: wasn't serious about the slipicture, would imagine that it would incite me so that I'd start giving you bad advice to mess you up with all these men and have you for myself!

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I think i will watch Breakfast At Tiffany's tonight in bed. I need to polish my game if i am to go out on a serious date. I am like Holly in some ways,dizzy vulnerable,in need of protection lol Two different people..


And i think i have waited long enough for my George peppard! Im now on a mission!

But iv always been uncomfortable with pictures,my own included. People treat you how they see you visually. I know this because i was a little dumpling of a girl when i was young..I just think that it stinks. Having said that,i treat all people as my equal no matter what they look like or where theyre from as long as they are good people. But i don't think i would be able to date some of them. I know thats very contradictory. What can i say? I had better ask them for pictures ](*,)


No im not waffing them off. I mean please,this only happened yesterday. I don't want to rush in like im desperate even though i am. But know i think the boys are very comfortable with things so far. But im ready to throw caution to the wind so i wont keep them on a string or anything. I will don my best attire ,tartup & strut my stuff! They can either like me & enjoy my company or they can walk away,its upto them. People walking away only hurts when you are emotionally attached.. But they sound like a barrel of laughs,maybe i should throw a swaray?


You like your wordmorphing dont you!lol Slipicture? Oh well if it will interfere with you great advice i had better use a more conservative pic!

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