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Trying the Online Dating thing!


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I signed up for one of the dating sites ( a good one, not one of those cheap ones!) and I'm excited about it! Wish me luck in finding a good person and not some internet wacko


I have my profile and 6 pictures uploaded and I'm already getting hits!


I'm going to play it safe and not rush into anything with anyone. Quick question: for those who have tried or are currently signed up, when do you think it is appropriate to move the conversations to the phone? I know it all depends on how well we click and how comfortable we are, but I'm just wanting a ballpark estimate.


thanks you guys

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on line dating seems to be great for women - quantity wise anyway - lots of men on the sites, fewer women. Pictures will always get results


as far as the movement to phone...after a few chats or emails...but I'm a guy so...


Always meet in a public place, dont give out your address or work place and all that - lots of crazies out there!


[resisting putting my rant in here about how much I hate on line dating and how it never really worked for me]

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you drove 7 hours?? You two could have, or should have met halfway...seems fair...Im trying to stay within the state (california). I really only want to meet those within a 50 mile radius, even though I know that may lower my chances to some degree

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After one or two e-mails I would suggest talking by phone if he did not. "I much prefer talking to typing so please send me a number where I can reach you so that we can see if it makes sense to meet in person." 99% of the men I wrote that to - probably a few hundred at least - sent their phone numbers. I did not want to give out my land line to a stranger and I didn't have a cell at that time.

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Im a bit hesitant because I always worry about sounding inadequate or not having much to say because of all the excitement, and nervousness combined..and just hearing his voice for the first time!


Batya, I will keep that in mind

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I met my bf through online dating. It works, really it does. You have to be a good writer in order to catch someone's attention. I don't really have any pics of myself and I still got many dates. I would suggest phone conversation after a few weeks of emailing. I never met a weirdo through online dating, though I have met my share through meeting them the old-fashioned way. Keep a positive attitude and things should be fine. Come to think of it, all of my paramours for the last 15 years have been online meetings. I told you it works. Have fun and be safe!

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Im a bit hesitant because I always worry about sounding inadequate or not having much to say because of all the excitement, and nervousness combined..and just hearing his voice for the first time!


Batya, I will keep that in mind


Sounds good. To me hearing his voice was an essential part of deciding whether to meet in person. My only reason for contacting people or responding on line to people was to meet in person ASAP if we clicked. I don't think it would have been a good experience for me i I had been less goal oriented - because I already had enough e-mail and IM buddies.

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+1 to the overwhelming guy to girl ratio, some sites make you pay to message so simply let the guys do it.


as for the phone it depends on what you are comfortable with, nowadays msn/aim is very common and i used that to setup 3 dates (this was 4 years ago). i never talked to any of them on the phone before i met them.


i think online dating is great because if things don't workout its still fun going out and meeting new people (but remember, always public). only 1 of the 3 got past the first date and we only went out about 4-5 more times until it died. so yeah.. no success story here but ive heard and read of many. good luck!



note: i know this is kind of unrelated but please do not post crappy angle shots, or pics from years ago.. one of my dates did that and i didn't even recognize her when i saw her, very disappointed.

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I've tried it. Hasn't worked out well for me. I've met a few girls only to find out they were best friends with one of my exes, or even were friends with a friend of mine. Made it quite awkward to meet someone in person who didn't respond to your email.

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